【摘 要】
The new development concept of innovation, coordina-tion, green, openness and sharing has posed new requirements for the development of human rights theory in C
【机 构】
Institute for Human Rights, Guangzhou University
The new development concept of innovation, coordina-tion, green, openness and sharing has posed new requirements for the development of human rights theory in China. Innovation is the impetus and vitality for the development of human rights theory and is required for the study of human rights in terms of its content, method, and form. Coordination is the social basis for the development of human rights the-ory in contemporary China and human rights theory can be scientific and persuasive through coordination of the interests of all parties conceed. Green is the natural basis for the development of human rights theory in contemporary China and human rights theory can have rich connotations and far-reaching impact through ecological protection and environmen-tal control. Openness is the inteational vision for the development of human rights theory in contemporary China and the inteational influ-ence of human rights theory in contemporary China can be increased constantly through inteational exchange and dialogue on human rights theory. Sharing is the value pursuit for the development of human rights theory in contemporary China and human rights should be jointly con-structed and shared by the entire people in an all-round way.
摘 要:新一轮的课程改革及高考制度改革更进一步突出课程建设的重要作用,在高中阶段的教育教学实践中应不断反思课程资源开发过程中所出现的一些新问题、新倾向,结合学校及老师的实际情况,提出切实可行的应对策略,提升课程资源开发的能力和水平,促进教学质量大幅度跃升。 关键词:课程;课程资源;课程管理 改革纲要(试行)》指出:“学校应充分发挥图书馆、实验室、专门教室及各类教学设施和实践基地的作用,广泛利用
摘 要:随着新课程标准的深入发展,初中语文教学工作取得了明显的成效。然而,由于种种主客观因素的制约,初中语文教学过程中不可避免地会出现一些不尽如人意的地方,阻碍初中语文教学活动得以深入推进。结合教学经验,深入分析了当前初中语文教学过程中存在的探究法误区、设计探究题误区等问题,提出了转变教师教学观念开展多元化教学方式;尊重学生的主体地位发挥引导作用;开展探究问题设计,体现启发教学;引导学生开展成果归
摘 要:在小学数学教学中,应该让学生经历、感受和体会运用优化思想,培养他们解决问题的能力。实践证明,有效合理地利用探究式教学,是培养学生应用数学知识解决实际问题的意识和能力的关键手段。 关键词:数学;优化;教学策略;课堂气氛 课堂教学中存在很多不确定因素,我们也经常遇到这样的问题,当你要活跃教学气氛,让学生自主发言时,你可能满心期待,但学生可能会和你扯东扯西,答非所问,这时,老师要及时引导学生
摘 要:因学生个人在成长过程中诸因素的差异及目前普遍存在于初级中学中的学生作业抄袭现象,客观上要求应适应与其相对应的作业难度与层次,故探索学生分层,作业分层的模式,鼓励学生自主学习,使他们体验成功的喜悦,从中产生学习兴趣,杜绝作业抄袭现象,并对他们的作业激励性评价,灵活合理地安排布置,以求学生作业质量的最优化。 关键词:学生差异分层;作业布置分层;激励竞技 在学生的成长与发展过程中,由于受到遗
Poverty elimination has always been an ideal constantly pursued by mankind since ancient times, and a basic right for people in each country to seek a happy lif
The rights of women and children are an important part of human rights. China consistently adheres to the basic national policy of equality between men and wome
摘 要:生活中处处、时时、刻刻有数学,学生学好数学,能为未来终身可持续发展奠定了良好的基础。估算在学生学习数学中有着重要的作用。数学教师应首先在日常生活中培养学生的估算意识,在口算训练、计算教学、概念教学、综合应用教学中培养学生的估算能力。从而通过估算,判断一些运算结果的合理性和准确性。 关键词:新课程;估算能力;培养 生活中处处、时时、刻刻有数学,学生学好数学,能为未来终身可持续发展奠定了良