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《小学数学新课程标准》明确指出:评价既要关注学生学习的结果,更要关注他们学习的过程;既要关注基础知识和基本技能的掌握,更要关注在数学活动中所表示出来的能力、情感与态度等方面的发展,帮助学生认识自我、建立信心。所以,如何在课堂教学中对学生的学习活动作出及时、合理的评价,从而保持和激励学生学习的积极性这一个问题,是摆在广大教师面前的一个重要课题。下面结合自己的教学实践来谈一谈我在课堂教学评价方面的一些思考和做法。 The New Curriculum Standard for Primary Schools of Mathematics clearly states: Evaluation should not only pay attention to the results of student learning, but also pay attention to the process of their learning. They should not only pay attention to mastery of basic knowledge and basic skills, but also pay attention to the abilities shown in mathematical activities , Emotion and attitude and other aspects of development, to help students recognize themselves and build confidence. Therefore, how to make a timely and reasonable evaluation of students ’learning activities in classroom teaching so as to maintain and motivate the students’ enthusiasm for learning is an important issue for the majority of teachers. The following combination of my own teaching practice to talk about my evaluation of classroom teaching some thoughts and practices.
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施工软土层中的沉井,应重视沉井下沉的稳定问题。沉井稳定的基本条件是沉井稳定系数K必须小于1,即: The caisson in the construction of soft soil should pay attention
The stearic acid nanoparticles loaded polyoxometalate K6[?-(CpTi)2SiW10O38] [(CpTi)2SiW10] have been prepared and structurally characterized by elemental analys