
来源 :青少年日记(教育教学研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lcb225
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随着新课标的实施与推进,在中小学阶段曾被视为副科的音、体、美也越来越受到学校和社会的重视。在音、体、美这三科中,特别是美术这一科,而对于学生进行美育的教育,不仅可以启迪学生的智慧,更可以陶冶一个人的情操,对于促进一个人的全面发展具有重要作用。而且,在商品经济日益发达的今天,商品的包装也越来越重要,日常生活中人们对审美的需求也越来越大,因而,对于小学阶段的基础性美术这一学科,也显得越来越重要。在小学阶段,如何搞好美术这一学科的教学,不仅让学生们对美术这一学科 With the implementation and promotion of the new curriculum standard, the sound, body and beauty which were regarded as deputy sections in primary and secondary schools are also increasingly valued by schools and the society. In the three subjects of sound, body and beauty, especially art, this education of aesthetics for students can not only enlighten the students’ wisdom, but also cultivate the sentiments of one person, which is important for promoting the all-round development of one person effect. In addition, with the development of a commodity economy, the packaging of goods is becoming more and more important. People’s aesthetic needs are also growing in their daily lives. Therefore, the discipline of basic art at primary school also appears more and more The more important. In the elementary school stage, how to do a good job of art teaching, not only for students in art discipline
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摘 要:《语文新课程标准》中指出:低年级阅读教学应该引导学生“喜欢阅读,感受阅读的乐趣。”因此,教师必须根据低年级学生的身心特点和认知规律,从兴趣入手,利用多种方式创设愉悦的课堂教学情境,把学生引入文本具体的语言环境中,利用多种教学策略,调动学生多种感官参与语文学习活动,激活课堂,在自读、自悟的情感体验中让孩子乐学,在说话中进行情感交流让孩子乐说,在小练笔中学会运用感情让孩子乐写。  关键词:乐学