植物学绪论课的教学方法有多种,基本的指导思想都是使学生概述地了解植物学,同时培养学生学习生物学的兴趣。笔者采用参观法进行教学,收到较好的效果,简单介绍如下。 (一)设计展览室的指导思想 1根据教材中“绪论”及有关的植物学知识设计布置一个展览室。展室的设计力求新颖,条理分明。 2根据所要展览的内容,用标本、挂图、实物、模型、图表、数据、照片和文字说明等多种直观形式展示出来。要求布置合理,有科学性,力求说明问题。 3根据教材内容和展室的设计,把展览内容分为四个部分,即①植物与人类的密切关系;②我国是研究植物最早的国家;③植物学是
There are many teaching methods for introductory botany classes. The basic guiding principles are to give students an overview of botany and to develop students’ interest in learning biology. I use the method of teaching visits, received good results, a brief introduction is as follows. (A) the design of the guiding ideology of the exhibition hall 1 According to the textbook “Introduction” and the design of the layout of a plant exhibition of botany knowledge. Exhibition room designed to novel, well-structured. 2 According to the contents of the exhibition, using samples, flipcharts, objects, models, charts, data, photos and text description and other visual forms. Require reasonable layout, scientific, and strive to explain the problem. 3 According to the contents of teaching materials and exhibition room design, the exhibition is divided into four parts, namely ① the close relationship between plant and human beings; ② China is the earliest country to study plants; ③ botany is