Names of Chinese Ceramic Relics Translated into English: A Case Study Based on Skopos Theory o

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  【摘要】Abstract: This study conducts a case study research on names of collected Chinese ceramic relics translated into English in Liaoning Provincial Museum. Under the guidance of Skopos Theory, it points out some problems existing in names of ceramic relics translated into English and tries to put forward some feasible strategies.
  【關键词】Key words: Skopos Theory; translation of names of ceramic relics; Liaoning Provincial Museum
  1. Skopos Theory
  In the 1970s, German scholars believed that translation is not only a linguistic activity, but translation behaviors based on the source text. Skopos Theory takes the target text as the center, which is the most important standard for the translators’ behaviors. The representatives are Katharina Reiss, Hans J. Vermeer, and Christiane Nord. Skopos Theory believes that translators should follow three important rules, namely, Skopos rule, coherence rule and fidelity rule. Focusing on the function of the target text, Skopos Theory offers a new view for translation study.
  2. Main Problems Exist in Translation
  2.1 Chinese-style English Translation
  “甜白瓷暗花碗明永乐” is translated into “Sweet-white bowl with anhua molded decorations Yongle reign, Ming dynasty”. But I propose a better translation “lovely white glaze”. “甜白” is a kind of white glaze produced by Yongle kiln. The white glaze like jade gives an impression of a “lovely” feeling; hence the name “lovely white” appears. In addition, the white glaze is called “lovely white glaze” because it is related to sugar used in cooking. When tasting sugar, people will feel happy and lovely from the deep heart besides a lingering taste in their mouths.
  2.2 Overuse of Transliteration
  A majority of ceramic relics in Liaoning Provincial Museum are directly translated by using pinyin. For example, “青瓷虎子” is translated into “Celadon Huzi”. In Chinese culture, “虎子”is a kind of piss pot made of bronze or porcelain. The piss pot is named “Huzi” because it is processed artistically on the original model of the tiger. 2.3 Omission of Culturally-loaded Words
  “红绿彩人物纹诸葛碗明嘉靖”is translated into “Red-and-green glazed Zhuge bowl with human figures Jiajing reign, Ming dynasty”. Zhuge bowl is the vessel for sacrifice, and its modeling derives from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. In order to baffle the enemy, Zhuge Liang deliberately used a double-layer bowl. Apparently, he ate a large bowl of rice, but actually only the upper layer of the bowl was stuffed with rice. Later generations called it Zhuge bowl. Without any explanation, people will completely miss the historical and cultural significance.   3. Strategies about the Translation
  3.1 Transliteration
  Transliteration is a type of conversion of a text from one script to another by representing the sounds of the original. “斗彩” is translated into “doucai” in English, which has already been widely recognized and accepted by the western world. For example, “斗彩蟠螭纹尊清雍正” in Liaoning Provincial Museum is translated into “Doucai Zun-shaped vases with coiled dragons design Yongzheng reign, Qing dynasty”.
  3.2 Transliteration plus Explanation
  Transliteration plus explanation refers to add some explanations on the basis of transliteration. For example, “豇豆红釉团螭纹太白尊” is respectively translated into “Kidney Bean Red glaze Taibai Zun (wine vessel) with Stylized Hornless Dragon Design”. “尊” mostly refers to wine vessels or sacrificial vessels. If it is directly translated into “Zun”, foreigners can’t understand. So “尊”can be translated into “Zun vesse” by employing transliteration plus explanation.
  3.3 Literal Translation
  “霁红釉蒜头瓶清乾隆” is translated into “Vase in jihong glaze Qianlong reign, Qing dynasty”. “蒜头瓶” is one of the bottle shapes, which is modeled after the bronze ware of Qin and Han dynasties. It is named after the shape of garlic because its mouth is like garlic. According to literal translation, it can be translated into “garlic-head”.
  3.4 Free Translation
  A free translation is a translation that reproduces the general meaning of the original text. Free translation can be used to translate some culturally- loaded words or abstract nouns. For example, “白釉礬红彩福寿纹盘清雍正” is translated into “White-glazed plate with decorations in overglaze iron-red enamel to celebrate prosperity and longevity Yongzheng reign, Qing dynasty”. “福寿” refers to a long and happy life, so it can be translated into “prosperity and longevity”.
【摘要】小学是英语教学开展的基础,很多学生是第一次接触英语,教师在实际的教学中应该明确这一状况,采取有效的英语教学模式,激发小学生对英语的学习兴趣。英语对于小学生而言是一门新的学科,在学习过程中难免会遇到困难,教师要从小学生的兴趣入手,提升小学英语教学的趣味性。本文主要对小学英语趣味教学进行了探讨,为学生积极主动的学习英语奠定了坚实的基础。  【关键词】小学英语;趣味教学;主要策略  【作者简介】
【摘要】伴随着我国大学英语改革的纵深化和地方性理工科院校内涵式发展,我校大学英语课程体系的重构面临着诸多的困难和抉择。同时,高校入学新生英语水平逐步提高,能英语进行专业学习或工作的人才供不应求。在学校“三重一高(重基础,重技术,重能力,高素质)”应用型人才培养体系要求下,大学英语朝学术英语方向改革的时机已经成熟,ESP成为大学英语改革的新趋势。  【关键词】地方性理工科院校 学术英语 大学英语  
【摘要】当代英语的形成和发展与其自身的文化背景有密切联系。在高中教育阶段,英语知识难度、深度、广度均有所提升,涉及到的文化元素较多,致使教学任务繁重,增加了学生学习英语难度。本文对高中英语教学中如何进行文化教学作深入探究,提出有效措施。  【关键词】高中英语教学;文化教学  【作者简介】张文君,甘肃省定西市岷县第二中学。  语言与文化是不可分割、紧密相连的,任何一门语言的产生和发展都有着自身特定的
【摘要】学院根据培养“一专多能、一专多路”高素质应用型创新人才的办学指导思想和学科专业特点,按照“配套实施、重点推进、整体优化”的原则,推进学分制改革与创新,在实施学分制的过程中已取得一定的成效,但在执行过程中学生的选课现状让教学管理人员颇感比保姆还操心。该文对此现象进行探讨,并就独立学院学分制下选课制度的进一完善提出相应建议。  【关键词】独立学院;学分制;选课规范  【作者简介】车俊慧,昆明理
【摘要】我国教育体制改革不断深入,对于高职的教育模式也提出了更高的要求。全球化趋势下,英语作为国际通用语言的作用越来越重要,英语口语能力也成为了检验当前人才综合水平的重要指标。作为为社会培养实用性专门人才的高职院校,应该不断提升英语口语教学的质量。在互联网发展的过程中,“互联网 ”概念的出现,促进了教育事业的不断发展,如何将互联网应用于高职英语口语混合式教学中,成了当前高职教育发展的重点工作。本文
【摘要】小学英语属于小学基础教育的重要学科之一,提高小学英语教学的课堂效率是重要的研究课题。本文主要从三方面展开叙述,即思维导图提高英语口语教学的效率;思维导图提高英语阅读教学的效率;思维导图提高英语写作教学的效率。  【关键词】思维导图;小学英语;口语;阅读;写作  【作者简介】张杰,黑龙江省北安市赵光中心校。  思維导图是一种方法简单、有效并且实用性非常好的思维工具,它是一种将思维形象化的思维
【摘要】本文通过对比中西博物馆历史文物英文本语料,发现两者在信息内容和文化内涵传达方面相异。当下博物馆历史文物文本英译的目的是让历史文物所凝聚的中国历史文化“走出去”,为了更好地服务目的语读者,本文建议采用增译基本信息和增译文化内涵的翻译方法。  【关键词】相异;目的;文化“走出去”;翻译方法  【作者简介】周丹(1989-),女,汉族,四川外国语大学成都学院,英语专业教师,研究生,研究方向:翻译