Teaching in Colleges and Universities

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  【Abstract】With the development of science and technology, photography culture has been impacted by various cultures from society. At the same time, photography is becoming more and more important in life and work. Many jobs can not be done without the assistance of photography. Many information can not be disseminated without photography as a media, and people’s aesthetic concepts have undergone tremendous changes. This paper mainly discusses how to teach photography course in Colleges and universities from the development of photography culture.
  【Key words】photography culture; photography course teaching in Colleges and Universities
  1. Current Development
  Firstly, the development of science and technology has provided good technical support for the development of photographic culture. As an important part of printing, traditional photography relies on the printing industry. The main forms of photography are wedding dress commemoration, certificate photos and news materials of newspaper pictures. It has strong documentary nature. Therefore, documentary photography is the main form of photography. With the rapid development of science and technology, the equipment of photographic creation has been significantly improved, which provides a technical guarantee for photographic enthusiasts and photographic professionals to make photographic creation more convenient. Increasingly perfect image processing software such as PHOTOSHOP provides effective technical support for later image processing. Therefore, photography not only records images by means of documentary and realistic expression, but also produces more photographic expression techniques, such as creative photography, advertising photography, conceptual photography and surreal photography.
  2. Basic Theory
  The six basic elements of light for photography are: 1. Exposure. In the creation of photographic works, the intensity of light should be reasonable, inadequate exposure will cause darkness of photographic works, overexposure will lead to overexposure of photographic works, which will seriously impact the visual impact of the audience. Only when the exposure is reasonable can the audience’s visual impact be met. 2. optical position. The light level refers to the shooting position of the light source relative to the object. In photographic creation, the light level can vary greatly. Different light positions can produce different effects. Smoothing photography refers to the shooting technique in which the light source illuminates the front of the object along the shooting direction. This kind of light level can make the tone of the subject rich, and the texture of the subject is displayed by the image. This shooting technique is very common in still life photography. Backlight photography is mainly used in commercial photography. If you shoot a glass, the glass will be brighter and fuller, because the backlight can make the texture of the object vivid and vivid, and the outline of the object is well highlighted. Backlighting glass is widely used in commercial photography.   3. Photography Teaching
  Traditional painting art has been difficult to meet the public’s aesthetic concept, and photography has gradually become prominent in the art.
  The development of photographic culture depends on the development of science and technology. With the continuous development of science and technology, photography has also developed from traditional photography to digital photography. Compared with traditional photography culture, contemporary photography culture and traditional photography culture have a certain distance.With the development of photography culture, photography has begun to influence people in all aspects, and people’s aesthetic requirements for photography art are becoming higher and higher.
  [1]Li Peilin.Media and audience in the era of picture reading[M]. Beijing:Xinhua Publishing House,2005.
  [2]Benjamin.A brief history of photography[M].Jiangsu:Jiangsu People’s Publishing House,2006.
  [3]Gu Zheng.Selection of Western Photography Literature[M]. Zhejiang:Zhejiang Photography Publishing House,2007.
【摘要】经济全球化发展的同时,社会对人才的要求越来越高,除了具备必要的专业技能之外,个别行业还需要具备很强的专门用途英语能力,以促进行业的全面发展。因此,专门用途英语教学就显得尤为重要,抓住专门用途英语教学发展的趋势,改进专门用途英语教学的不足,为社会培养出更多高素质英语专业人才,成为高校必行之事。  【关键词】英语;教学;发展;专门  【作者简介】金黎明(1977-),女,汉族,江苏淮安人,南京
【摘要】口语交际能力培养是中学英语教学的重要环节,也是提升中学生英语综合素养的重要途径,在这种情况下,新时期初中英语教师必须结合教学内容以及学情,采取科学措施为全面提升中学生口语交际能力奠定良好基础。鉴于此,本文详细探讨了中学生口语交际能力培养的典型策略。  【关键词】中学生;口语交际;学习策略  【作者简介】孙芳,湖南省长沙市宁乡市长郡沩东中学。  英语作为国际通用语言,是我国中学生人才培养过程
【摘要】在我国地方本科院校转型发展的背景下,大学英语教学也要顺应时代发展,借助现代信息技术实施信息化教学,培养应用型人才。宁夏师范学院引进U校园教学平台,在大学英语教学管理、教学方式、测评方式等方面进行了改革和创新,取得了一定的成效。本文对宁夏师范学院信息化教学实践进行分析,以期为地方本科院校转型发展期的大学英语教学改革提供参考。  【关键词】U校园;信息化教学;转型发展  【作者简介】党静(19
【摘要】在支架理论的指导下,英语教师构建各种话语支架来实现话语支架的各项功能,发挥话语支架的作用,帮助学习者实现从实际水平到潜在水平的跨越,提高教学实效。本文呈现了竞赛课中教师话语支架的构建,分析了教师如何通过构建各种话语支架来完成实现各项功能,完成教学目标。  【关键词】英语教师;话语支架;功能  【作者简介】李梅(1978.10—),女,汉族,湖南益阳人,研究生, 衡阳师范学院外国语学院,讲师
【摘要】语法是英语教学的核心内容,它渗透于学生听、说、读、写四项英语学习的基本环节之中,是学生英语水平的关键影响因素。本文作者基于对语法的重视和研究,展开了对初中英语语法教学优化思路的探索。  【关键词】初中英语;语法教学;培养语感;特定语境;组织游戏  【作者简介】刘琼,福建闽清城关中学。  语法是系统性的语言规则,而鉴于中西文化的差异,英语语法与汉语语法差别迥异,需要学生去感受、适应、理解和学
【摘要】语法是对一门语言规律性知识的总结,规律的能产性巨大,能有效地处理认知过载,主动掌握英语语法规律中不同于汉语语法规律的地方,能够应对汉语母语的负迁移并提高学习效率,规律化加工英语词汇入句表意时的形态变化和特殊的语言结构,具有较大的二语习得价值。  【关键词】形态;结构;语法规律意识;二语习得  【作者简介】陈瑜(1983-),女,重庆江津人,四川外国语大学成都学院,讲师,硕士,研究方向:英语
【摘要】英语教学实践表明,学生阅读障碍主要在于没有掌握足够的词汇量,从而不能理解文章所传达的信息和表达的思想。重视词汇教学、丰富学生词汇量是解决学生阅读瓶颈的主要抓手,是提高英语教学质量的重要保证。  【关键词】英语教学;词汇量;识记;方法  【作者简介】丁永锋,江苏省南通市第二中学。  引言  词汇是学生学习英语的基本要素,没有充足的词汇作为基础,学生不仅难以理解所阅读文章,而且也很难用英语表达
【摘要】婚礼是人生中最重要的仪式之一,是社会文化的传承与体现。相对于中式婚礼里的黄道吉日,英式婚礼也有着古老的良辰和禁忌。“五月婚,悔一生”这句顺口溜的形成,有着社会、历史以及生产生活的诸多因素。深入了解其成因有助于理解文化差異,实现提高跨文化交际能力和素养的现实意义。  【关键词】英式婚俗;良辰与禁忌;五月;传统  【作者简介】王玲玲(1980.11-),土家族,重庆人,重庆医科大学外国语学院讲
【摘要】早在1989年,Bley-Vroman就提出,儿童的母语学习与外语学习的差异是“内在的、语言的和本质的(internal,linguistic, and qualitative)”。他认为产生“内在”差异的理由是“成年人相对于儿童的认知阶段的差别,而不是由于输入不足等外部因素”;对“语言”差异的解释为“语言功能的变化,不是一般学习能力的差别”。我们认为这样的认识是非常深刻的。但是由于他没有