Influence of exit-to-throat width ratio on performance of high pressure convergent-divergent rotor i

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a683999700
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This paper describes the redesign of a high pressure rotor (with exit Mach number around 1.5) for the vaneless counter-rotating turbine by choosing adequate exit-to-throat width ratio. Based on the previous design analysis and test results, effects of the exit-to-throat width ratio on the performance of the transonic turbine cascade were proposed. In order to investigate the influence of the exit-to-throat width ratio on the performance of the turbine cascade, a flow model of the convergent-divergent turbine cascade was constructed by using the theory of Laval nozzle. Then a method on how to choose the adequate exit-to-throat width ratio for the turbine cascade was proposed. To validate the method, it was used to calculate the adequate exit-to-throat width ratio for the high pressure rotor of the vaneless counter-rotating turbine. The high pressure turbine rotor was redesigned with the new exit-to-throat width ratio. Numerical simulation results show that the isentropic efficiency of the redesigned vaneless counter-rotating turbine under the design condition has increased by 0.9% and the efficiencies under the off-design conditions are also improved significantly. On the original design, a group of compressional waves are created from the suction surface after about 60% axial chord in the high pressure turbine rotor. While on the new design the compressional waves are eliminated. Furthermore, on the original design, the inner-extending waves first impinge on the next high pressure turbine rotor suction surface. Its reflection is strong enough and cannot be neglected. However on the new design the inner-extending waves are weakened or even eliminated. Another main progress is that the redesigned high pressure turbine rotor is of practical significance. In the original rotor, a part of the blade (from 60% axial chord to the trailing edge) is thin leading to the intensity problem and difficult arrangement of the cooling system. In the new design, however, the thickness distribution of the rotor airfoil along the chord is relatively reasonable. The intensity of the rotor is enhanced. It is possible to arrange the cooling system reasonably. This paper describes the redesign of a high pressure rotor (with exit Mach number around 1.5) for the vaneless counter-rotating turbine by choosing adequate exit-to-throat width ratio. Based on the previous design analysis and test results, effects of the exit -to-throat width ratio on the performance of the transonic turbine cascade were proposed. In order to investigate the influence of the exit-to-throat width ratio on the performance of the turbine cascade, a flow model of the convergent-divergent turbine cascade was constructed by using the theory of Laval nozzle. Then a method on how to choose the adequate exit-to-throat width ratio for the turbine cascade was proposed. To validate the method, it was used to calculate the adequate exit-to-throat width ratio for the high pressure rotor of the vaneless counter-rotating turbine. The high pressure turbine rotor was redesigned with the new exit-to-throat width ratio. Numerical simulation results show that the isentropic efficiency of t he redesigned vaneless counter-rotating turbine under the design condition has increased by 0.9% and the efficiencies under the off-design conditions are also improved significantly. On the original design, a group of compressional waves are created from the suction surface after about 60%第一, 在 第一 原装 的 第一 高压 涡轮 吸附 路由. The new design of the compressional waves rotor. However on the new design the inner-extending waves are weakened or even eliminated. Another main progress is that the redesigned high pressure turbine rotor is of practical significance. In the original rotor, a part of the blade (from 60% axial chord to the trailing edge) is the thin leading to the intensity problem and difficult arrangement of the cooling system.distribution of the rotor airfoil along the chord is relatively reasonable. The intensity of the rotor is enhanced. It is possible to arrange the cooling system reasonably.
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