LN206井位于新疆轮台县西南45Km轮南油田,于LN2井西约3Km处,该井人工井底4862m m。LN206井作业目的是进行井筒处理,井下复杂情况,1.有1200米的测井电缆落在双封封隔器上,2.测井仪器和部分电缆穿过上封隔器掉在下封隔器上,3.双封间油管腐蚀严重且已经断脱,4.双封的下封隔器已掉至井底,5.卡封地层出砂严重。在上修作业过程中,由于地层出砂严重、井内落鱼不规则等多重井下复杂情况,造成打捞异常困难。此次上修历时50d,,多次应用磨铣、钢丝绳打捞、公母锥打捞、各类捞矛打捞、套铣、解卡等大修技术,最终全部打捞出井下落鱼,恢复了油井的产能,日产原油约80m3。本文主要分析了进行落鱼被砂埋打捞作业的困难和风险,总结了成功的经验和失败的教训,提出新打捞工艺技术方法2项,为塔里木油田的砂埋打捞作业提供了技术经验。
Well LN206 is located in Lunnan Oilfield of 45Km southwest of Luntai County, Xinjiang. It is about 3Km west of LN2 well, and the artificial bottom of the well is 4862m m. The purpose of the LN206 well operation is to conduct wellbore handling and complex downhole conditions 1. The logging cable with 1,200 meters falls on the dual packer 2. The logging tool and some of the cables fall through the packer to the next packer 3. The dual seal room tubing is severely corroded and has been severed, 4. The double seal lower packer has been dropped to the bottom of the well, In the process of repairing, due to serious formation of sand, irregular wells and other fish downhole complex situation, resulting in unusually difficult to salvage. The repair lasted lasted 50d ,, multiple applications grinding and milling, wire rope salvage, male and female cone fishing, all kinds of fishing spear salvage, sets milling, anti-card and other overhaul technology, and ultimately all salvaged the well fish, resumed production capacity of the well, Nissan crude oil about 80m3. This paper mainly analyzes the difficulties and risks in carrying out the operation of fishing for sand buried in sand, summarizes the successful experiences and the lessons of failure, and proposes two methods of new fishing technology, which provides technical experience for the sand buried fishing operation in Tarim Oilfield.