目的:观察高糖环境下豚鼠膀胱Cajal间质细胞(interstitial cells of Cajal,ICCs)超微结构,探讨糖尿病膀胱(diabetic cystopathy,DC......
目的:探讨Oddi括约肌Cajal间质细胞(interstitial cells of Cajal,ICC)在家兔实验性重症急性胰腺炎(severe acute pancreatitis,SAP......
目的:检测糖尿病大鼠结肠中Cajal间质细胞(interstitial cells of Cajal,ICC)和血红素氧合酶-2(heme oxygenase 2,HO-2)的改变以及......
Effects of Chaihu Shugan powder on the cytoactivity of rat interstitial cells of Cajal and intracell
Objective To observe effects of Chaihu Shugan Powder(CSP)on the cytoactivity and intracellular Ca~(2+)concentration of r......
Hwangryunhaedok-tang induces the depolarization of pacemaker potentials through 5-HT_3 and 5-HT_4 re
AIM To investigate the effects of a water extract of Hwangryunhaedok-tang(HHTE) on the pacemaker potentials of mouse int......
Decreased expression of hyperpolarisation-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 3 in Hirschsprun
AIM: To determine if hyperpolarisation-activated nucleotide-gated(HCN) channels exist in human colon, and to investigate......
Interstitial Cajal-like cells(ICLC) have been found in the atrium,ventricle and pulmonary vein in human and anmials.ICLC......
AIM: To investigate the effects of different parameters of gastric electrical stimulation(GES) on interstitial cells of ......
Ultrastructural study of Cajal interstitial cells, ......
Cajal於 185 2年 5月 1日 1生於西班牙北部一个寒村Petilla。名 Santiago,姓 Ramón y Cajal,Ramón为父姓 ,Cajal为母性 ,按西班......
大鼠小脑皮质切片,用 Nissl 法、Golgi-Cox 法和 Cajal 镀银法染色以备光学显微镜检查。同样材料以酸(pH 7.4)固定,Araldite 包埋......
自Ramon y Cajal在上个世纪末发现中枢与外周神经元再生潜能的差异以来,神经生物学家一直试图阐明这种差异,本世纪六十、七十年代......
Morphological changes in interstitial cells of Cajal in the deep muscular plexus and enteric motor n
BACKGROUND:Gastrointestinal motility dysfunction in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome(MODS) has been reported to be re......
AIM:To investigate the interstitial cells of Cajal(ICC) number using a new rat model.METHODS:Sprague-Dawley rats were as......
Cajal间质细胞(interstitial cells of cajal,ICC)主要分布在胃肠道平滑肌细胞与神经纤维之间,是一类特殊的间质细胞,它是胃肠运动......
西班牙Ramony Cajal医院胃肠科医生进行了一项研究,了解不同职业人群中幽门螺旋杆菌(HP)感染的分布情况。对象和方法:此项研究包......
Cajal间质细胞(interstitial cells of Cajal,ICC)是胃肠道运动的起搏细胞,它们参与起搏电流的传导和介导肠神经元与平滑肌细胞之......
Influence of Shenqing Recipe on Morphology and Quantity of Colonic Interstitial Cells of Cajal in Tr
Objective To observe the influence of Shenqing Recipe (SQR),a kind of Traditional Chinese Medicine,on the morphology and......
Characterization of hippocampal Cajal-Retzius cells during development in a mouse model of Alzheimer
Cajal-Retzius cells are reelin-secreting neurons in the marginal zone of the neocortex and hip-pocampus. The aim of this......
阜阳市局 £4a 局长——_MINtkMMtgj’#lnH$B——q.M——D收束志不他只邀狲位J则【科校为先导推动地租工作.B为广为戳民U用凶盼引眯B.......
阜阳市局 £4a 局长——_MINtkMMtgj’#lnH$B——q.M——D收束志不他只邀狲位J则【科校为先导推动地租工作.B为广为戳民U用凶盼引眯B.......
1 引言小脑篮细胞与蒲氏细胞的关系,在过去已有较多论述。但是,如何在切片上更好地显示出二者的相互联系,还没有一个最理想的方法......
Astroglial heterogeneity:merely a neurobiological question? Or an opportunity for neuroprotection an
Pioneer studies by Ramon y Cajal in the early nineteenth century evidenced that astrocytes are a heterogeneous cell popu......
目的探讨豚鼠胆囊Cajal样间质细胞(ICLC)的原代分离、培养及鉴定方法。方法健康豚鼠5只,4周龄,体质量300~350 g,雌雄不限。禁食12 ......
早在1893年,Cajal就报道了肠壁中存在一类非神经但与神经关系密切的间质细胞,又称之为Cajal间质细胞(interstitial cellsof Cajal,......
胃肠道的推动力由局部的、非推动性混合运动 (摆动或节段性运动 )与推动性(蠕动 )运动组成。一般认为 ,混合运动由固有的产生节律......
目的 研究长期服用接触性泻剂对大鼠结肠肌电的影响 ,探讨Cajal间质细胞 (ICC)在“泻剂结肠”肌电变化中的作用。方法 32只大鼠......
Role of interstitial cells of Cajal in motility of gastric motility zone ......
脊髓背角 层也称胶状质 ( Substantia gelatinosa,SG)主要由种类繁多的中间神经元组成 ,它们在调节初级传入中的痛、温觉信息向中......
Morphological Changes in Network of Enteric Nerve-Interstitial Cells of Cajal-Smooth Muscle Cells in
Objective: To observe the effects of Dachengqi Decoction (大承气汤, DCQD) on morphological changes in the network of ent......
目的:研究中药胃肠舒对糖尿病(diabetes mellitus,DM)大鼠胃窦干细胞生长因子及其受体(stemcellfactor-kit,SCF-kit)和神经递质的......
本研究对足月新生儿胃肠起搏细胞,即Cajal间质细胞(interstitial cells of Cajal,ICC)在消化道的分布进行探讨,旨在了解ICC在人类......