English Idioms

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  【Abstract】 The idiom is a kind of special speech form in meaning, grammatical structure and usage. Language closely relates to culture and can be said as a part of the culture. There’s no language without culture. As a special form of the language, the idiom exists in both language and culture and carries a large amount of cultural information of histories, geography, religions, customs, etc. This article first discusses the definitions of idioms and culture, the origin of idioms, the characteristics of idioms.
  【Key words】Idiom; Culture; Origin; Characteristics.
  1. Introduction
  As we all know, language is closely related to culture. Every language is part of a culture. Idioms as a special form of language exist in both language and culture and carry a large amount of cultural information such as histories, geography, religions, customs, nationality psychology, thought pattern etc, and therefore are closely related to culture.
  2. The characteristics of idioms
  An idiom is a fixed group of words with a special different meaning from the meanings of the separate words. Idioms consist of set phrases and short sentences, they are expressions that are not readily understandable from their literal meaning of individual elements. The practicality of idioms is the longtime vitality of idioms. According to the linguists, the number of the English idioms is about 50000. In modern English, there are about 4000 used often. And there are about 5000 idioms more often used. That is why English idiom is an indispensable part of English lexis. We can say that English idioms are used more widely and often than Chinese idioms.
  The unitary meaning of idioms means that we must see the idioms as a unit. The meaning of idioms isn’t the simple mixture of the each word’s meaning, but it has its own new meaning.(汪榕培, 卢晓娟, 1997:373) And if you break up each word that form the idiom, though you can see the meaning of each word, you can’t see the meaning of this idiom. For example, I’m under the weather. “Under the weather” means unwell and unhappy.(Claire, 1991:175) If you see the meaning from each word, it’s meaningless.
  The syntactic frozenness of the idioms means that we can’t add or reduce one word of the idioms, because it may change its original meaning. (汪榕培, 卢晓娟,1997:375) For instance, we can’t change “under the weather” into “below the weather”. We can’t change “to have an axe to grind” into “to have a chopper to grind” or “to have a hatchet to grind”.   3. The origin of idioms
  American and Britain are the countries that have Christianity and Hebraism as their cultural background. Most idioms produced in this background carry rich religious elements.(平洪,张国扬,2000:85)Getting to the roots of the idioms, we can find that they originated from literary masterpieces, the Bible, Greek and Roman mythologies, ancient fables, historical events, anecdotes, customs, seafaring, daily life and so on, which involve every aspect of life.(莊和诚,2002:185) That’s why idioms are hard to understand. The essential of studying idioms is grasping idioms through the background of the traditional culture, thought patterns, geographies, religions and the customs.Idioms originate from many aspects. They originate from ancient fables, historical affairs, anecdotes, customs, animals’ habitual behaviors, people’s daily life and so on.
  From the sources of the idioms, we can see that idiom originates from western cultural background.
  Observing the hidden meaning of the idioms, we can feel the national value.
  4. Conclusion
  Idiom is a special form of the language exists in both language and culture and carries the cultural information, such as histories and the customs etc. Idiom is a part of the culture. As such, it cannot but serve and reflect culture needs. Idiom closely relates to the culture. Idiom today is highly used in the daily life. It’s necessary for us to have such knowledge of idiom and the western culture. Idiomatic expressions are difficult to understand. Idioms originate from literary masterpieces, the Bible, Greek and Roman mythologies, customs and so on. From their sources, we can see idiom passed down in a certain western culture background. Idiom is an important part of western culture itself and reflects the rich cultural and plays an active role in people’s life.
  [1]Kamsch Claire,Culture in Language Learning:A view from the United States[J].Philodephia:John Benjamines Publishing Company,1991:175.
  [3]汪榕培,卢晓娟.英语词汇学教程[M].上海外语教育出版社,1997: 372-373;375-376.
【摘要】众所周知,高中阶段的英语学习难度较大,让许多学生思而生畏,特别是英语阅读这部分内容更是难上加难,作为高中英语教师我们应该有意识的采取一些策略,帮助学生去理解英语阅读中难以理解的部分。而概念图就是一种非常有效的方法,它能够让学生快速理清思维明确逻辑。本文立足于实际工作中的经验,对高中英语阅读教学概念图的优势及制作方法进行分析,而后提出了相应的应用策略。  【关键词】高中英语;概念图;阅读教学
【摘要】本文针对小学高段学生由于自身内部因素及课程设置等外部因素造成的口语表达障碍。主张运用双向反馈教学法,通过师生之间的互动交流,并借由学生的反馈调控后进行二次反馈以形成最佳的教学结果。做到教师与学生间的多元、双向的反馈,从而激发学生表达内驱力,发展学生的综合语言运用能力。  【关键词】双向反馈教学法;表达内驱力  【作者简介】朱炫,杭州市文三教育集团文苑小学。  一、缘起:高段学生英语表达现状
【摘要】英语学习最主要的一个功能就是能够更好的阅读英文材料。因此,提高英语阅读能力是英语教学最重要的目标。在中高考中,阅读理解也占了很大的分量,所谓“得阅读者得天下”。因此,有效提高英语阅读能力势在必行。本文结合英语课堂,在阅读教学中,注重激发学生的阅读兴趣,努力提高学生在阅读中的理解力和判断力,让学生掌握好阅读方法。  【关键词】英语阅读 激发兴趣 提高能力 掌握方法  毕业从教已20多年,高中
【摘要】高职英语教学与普通英语教学不同,其更看重学生的实践能力以及其对英语知识的运用能力。在英语教学中,最能够体现出学生实践能力的部分就是写作,因此在实际的教学过程中,教师需要重视写作教学的训练。但是通过调查分析显示,在当前的高职英语教学中,大部分学生都会对写作学习存在一定的抵触,甚至部分学生会产生“恐惧感”。因此,本文将对如何在支架英语的情况下开展高职英语写作教学进行分析。  【关键词】支架式英
【摘要】随着经济全球化时代的来临,商品品牌拥有一个良好的名称翻译,能够在很大程度上提高消费者进行消费的积极性,所以,商品品牌的翻译已经成为现阶段翻译界研究的重点对象之一,只有从多方面进行思考,才能使商品品牌的翻译更被大众所认可。因此本文主要针对多维视角下商品品牌名称翻译进行分析,从而为商品品牌名称翻译提供一些经验与指导。  【关键词】多维;商品;品牌;名称;翻译  【作者简介】杨洪侠(1971-)
【摘要】本文从关联理论视角探讨了英语幽默的汉译,并从最佳关联角度分析了常用的幽默汉译策略。同时指出:译者在翻译英语幽默时,应选择在具体语境下最利于读者获得最佳关联的翻译策略。  【关键词】关联理论;最佳关联;幽默翻译  【作者简介】袁艳玲(1983-),女,湖南长沙人,南华大学语言文学学院讲师,研究方向:英语教学法、翻译理论及实践;李先进(1966-),男,湖南湘阴人,南华大学语言文学学院教授,研
河北外国语学院  【摘要】准职业人培养课堂是河北外国语学院进行的高效课堂改革新模式,在课堂建设中打破过去传统的教师台上讲学生台下听的授课模式,课堂组织上突出学生小组建设,充分调动各小组学生的学习积极性,本文将以河北外国语学院15级酒店管理班酒店英语课程为例对准职业培养实效课堂中的小组建设进行具体分析研究。  【关键词】准职业人培养课堂 小组建设 酒店英语  一、准职业人培养课堂的概况介绍  准职业
江苏省徐州市第三中学  【摘要】所谓“大数据”即是各种海量数据综合体的统称,最早提出大数据这一概念的是美国芝加哥大学商学院教授——詹姆斯·麦肯锡。并且其认为“数据,已经渗透到当今每一个行业和业务职能领域,成为重要的生产因素。”,确實如此,大数据为我们的生活提供了便捷,更为高中英语教学带来了机遇。作为英语教师,我们应当抓住这一机遇,提高高中英语教学质量。  【关键词】大数据 高中英语 教学策略  高
【摘要】英语教学在每个学段都十分重要,也是学生必须掌握的一项能力。但是由于中职学生英语基础较差、学习观念不恰当等因素,导致目前中职学生对英语学习存在较大的抵触心理,学习积极性不高。所以教师必须采取合适的方式方法实施教学活动,为学生构建充满趣味的英语教学课堂才能够让学生爱上学习,以提高教学的有效性。  【关键词】趣味课堂;中职英语;教学  【作者简介】刘喜进,芜湖师范学校。  爱因斯坦曾说过“兴趣是
【摘要】在小学英语教学中,能否恰当设计与成功实施课堂教学活动,是将课本知识转化为学生的能力的关键。在新课程改革背景下,提高小学英语课堂的教学效率,已成为提高小学英语教学质量的关键所在。新的课程呼唤新的教学发展。我们必须立足课堂,积极探索科学、有效的课堂教学方法,发挥学生在教学中的主体地位,促使学生在学习英语的过程中不断体验进步与成功,认识自我,建立自信,从而促进其综合语言运用能力的全面发展。  【