Hydrogen Peroxide-Mediated Growth of the Root System Occurs via Auxin Signaling Modification and Var

来源 :Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:winter2009
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The link between root growth,H2O2,auxin signaling,and the cell cycle in cadmium (Cd)-stressed rice (Oryza sativa L.cv.Zhonghua No.11) was analyzed in this study.Exposure to Cd induced a significant accumulation of Cd,but caused a decrease in zinc (Zn) content which resulted from the decreased expression of OsHMA9 and OsZIP.Analysis using a Cd-specific probe showed that Cd was mainly localized in the meristematic zone and vascular tissues.Formation and elongation of the root system were significantly promoted by 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole (AT),but were markedly inhibited by N,N’dimethylthiourea (DMTU) under Cd stress.The effect of H2O2 on Cd-stressed root growth was further confirmed by examining a gain-of-function rice mutant (carrying catalase1 and glutathione-S-transferase) in the presence or absence of diphenylene iodonium.DR5-GUS staining revealed close associations between H2O2 and the concentration and distribution of auxin.H2O2 affected the expression of key genes,including OsYUCCA,OsPIN,OsARF,and OsIAA,in the auxin signaling pathway in Cd-treated plants.These results suggest that H2O2 functions upstream of the auxin signaling pathway.Furthermore,H2O2 modified the expression of cell-cycle genes in Cd-treated roots.The effects of H2O2 on root system growth are therefore linked to auxin signal modification and to variations in the expression of cell-cycle genes in Cd-stressed rice.A working model for the effects of H2O2 on Cd-stressed root system growth is thus proposed and discussed in this paper. The link between root growth, H2O2, auxin signaling, and the cell cycle in cadmium (Cd) -stressed rice (Oryza sativa L.cv. Zhonghua No.11) was analyzed in this study. Expose to Cd induced a significant accumulation of Cd , but caused a decrease in zinc (Zn) content which resulted from the decreased expression of OsHMA9 and OsZIP. Analysis using a Cd-specific probe showed that Cd was mainly localized in the meristematic zone and vascular tissues. Formation and elongation of the root system were also highly promoted by 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole (AT), but were markedly inhibited by N, N’dimethylthiourea (DMTU) under Cd stress.The effect of H2O2 on Cd-stressed root growth was further confirmed by examining a gain-of-function rice mutant (carrying catalase1 and glutathione-S-transferase) in the presence or absence of diphenylene iodonium. DR5-GUSzed revealed close association between H2O2 and the concentration and distribution of auxin.H2O2 affected the expression of key genes, including OsYUCCA, OsPIN, OsARF, and OsIAA, in the auxin signaling pathway in Cd-treated plants. These results suggest that H2O2 functions upstream of the auxin signaling pathway. Fluorrthermore, H2O2 modified the expression of cell-cycle genes in Cd-treated roots. The effects of H2O2 on root system growth caused linked to auxin signal modification and to variations in the expression of cell-cycle genes in Cd-stressed rice. A working model for the effects of H2O2 on Cd-stressed root system growth is thus proposed and discussed in this paper.
在英语学习中听力对大多数学生来讲较难。每次考试或者放录音做练习,学生总是抱怨录音读得太快,听不懂。考试时,对话和根据所听短文填空成了失分较多的题目,尤其是现在学习的牛津版本,词量大,句式多,很多学生都头疼不已。在教学过程中,我陆陆续续总结了几条提高听力的“诀窍”,希望能够帮助学生尽快地提高听力。下面,我就是谈谈我总结的“诀窍”。  一、注意听说读写四方面的综合训练  听,是人类进行交际的重要手段,
A thorough understanding of the genetic basis of rice grain traits is critical for the improvement of rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties.In this study,we generate
随着我国对英语教育的改革,使学生意识到学习英语的重要性。在初中英语教学中,教师要紧紧的依据教学大纲的要求开展课堂教学,强调提高学生的听、说、读、写等方面的能力,以词汇、句型的讲解作为切入点,强化学生书面表达能力的培养。在听、说、读、写这几个方面中,学生的写作能力是亟待提高的方面之一。对学生而言,写作的要求较高,写作题目也比较难掌握,词汇量要求也较高。  初中英语中考试题中的最后一道题目为书面表达题
摘要:少数民族地区的文化发展直接影响我们总体文化水平的提升,在少数民族的教育发展过程中,体现的是民族文化差异下对大众文化的吸纳以及对语言文化的理解能力上,本文结合笔者在新疆多年来的教学经验,总结新疆少数民族学生在学习英语过程中取得的成就,以及在国际大环境下如何实现少数民族英语水平的大发展,希望本文的研究能够对学生的英语学习有一定的辅助作用。  关键词:少数民族学生;英语学习;现在;发展空间  一、
书面表达是一项综合性很强的训练,它要求考生运用所学语言知识,根据试题提供的图、表或提纲等信息写成一篇内容完整、表达流畅、语言地道的文章,这就决定了考生不仅要有丰富的词汇和语法知识,而且要有比较强的语言表达能力和逻辑思维能力。英语作文篇幅虽然短小,但易流于机械的翻译,一篇好的英语作文仍可于方寸之地尽显乾坤。  一、要点的齐全性  高考英语书面表达评分标准之一是,覆盖所有内容要点。如果一篇文章定4个内
摘要:在英语教学中,既要重视知识传授,更要发掘学生运用英语的能力。因此,作为语言教师要认清语言知识与语言运用能力的辩证关系,提高自身素质,采取提高学生英语运用的教学实践方式,以培养学生运用英语的能力。本文主要阐述了中学生英语运用能力培养的方式和途径。  关键词:中学生;英语运用;培养方式  学生英语运用能力的培养是学生学习英语和掌握语言能力的关键,每一位教师都希望能把毕生所学知识传授给学生,但在实