The translation of The Records of The Three Kingdoms: volume 1(excerpt)

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  Cao Cao, the secondary personal named Meng De, was the founder of Wei dynasty and born in Qiao, Pei country. His ancestry root Cao Shen once functioned as the premier of Western Han dynasty. In the times of Emperor Huan, Cao Teng, the palace regular attendant and the minister of Changqiu palace, was honored as Marquis of Feiting. And Cao Teng adopted Cao Song for carrying on the family offspring. Cao Song who could not be reviewed his source was promoted to the highest military officer and gave birth to Cao Cao. Although Cao Cao was sharp-witted and Machiavellian, the temporal people did not overestimate him because of his images of chivalric vogue, libertine and trifler. Only Qaio Xuan in Liang country and He Yong in Nanyang could realize his talent. Qiaoxuan told Cao Cao:“The world will be out of the order that nobody except those talents with ability of administering the state can save. It may be you!” At the age of 20, Cao Cao was recommended as the post of Xiaolian,then promoted to be magistrate of Dunqiu and later summoned to be consultant. He was promoted to be commandant against the “Yellow scarves rebellion” in Yingchuan towards the end of the Guanghe(A.D.178-184). Afterwards he was appointed the prime minister of Jinan which includes a dozen counties with lots of corrupt officers adulatory to imperial kinsfolk. Hence, he reported to the throne to dismiss most of officers and prohibited excessive sacrifice. The illegal person were frustrated and the whole prefecture returns into the perfect order. Later the imperial court summoned him as the magistrate of Dong prefecture but he refused on the pretext of sickness and returned to hometown. Before long Wang Fen, the feudal province of Ji state, Xu You from Nanyang and Zhou Sheng from Pei gathered to plan the abdication of Emperor Ling and set marquis of Hefei up on the throne. When they roped Cao Cao in, Cao Cao refused and then they failed. It created a disturbance that Bian Zhang and Han Sui in Jincheng prefecture murder the magistrate and rose in rebellion with more than 100 thousands of people. When Cao Cao was nominated as the commander of praetorian, Emperor Ling died and crown price succeeded to the throne. Empress He was governing the country instead of young crown price and she denied the plan that General He Jin and Yuan Shao intended to murder the eunuchs. As a result, He Jin summoned Dong Zhuo to coerce Empress He but He Jin was killed before Dong Zhuo’s arrival. Then Dong Zhuo deposed Emperor Shao as King Hongnong and upheld Emperor Xian that caused the turmoil of capital. Dong Zhuo wanted to woo Cao Cao by advising the emperor to promote Cao Cao as Commander of Valiant Cavalry so that Cao Cao changed his name and went eastern back in paths. When he went by Zhongmou County after getting out of Hulao pass, the village constable suspected and arrested him. Someone who knew him interceded with the constable to release him. Having known that Dong Zhuo murders the Empress and King Hongnong, Cao Cao in Chenliu used out property to raise troops for crusading Dong Zhuo. Until December of Zhongping 6th year(189), Cao Cao was ready to dispatches troops in Jiwu. In January of Chuping first year, Yuan Shu, General of Rear, Han Fu, the prefect of Ji state, Kong Zhou, the feudal province of Yu state, Liu Dai, the feudal province of Yan state, Wang Kuang, the prefect of Henei, Yuan shao, the prefect of Bohai, Zhang Miao, the prefect of Chenliu, Qiao Mao, the prefect of Dong prefecture,Yuan Yi, the prefect of Shanyang and Bao Xin, the prime minister of Jibei dispatched hundreds of thousands of troops together which were headed by Yuan shao and they choose Cao Cao as General of Might. In February, Dong Zhuo enforced Emperor Xian to move the capital to Chang’an city while he stationed in Luoyang and set fire to the palace on account of hearing that allied troops would suppress him. At the time, Yuan Shao troop in Henei. Zhang Miao, Liu Dai, Qiao Mao and Yuan Yi stationed in SuanZao, Yuan Shu stationed in NanYang, Kongzhou stationed in YingChuan, Han Fu stationed in Yi city. They were in fear of being advance troops for Dong Zhuo’s large and strong army. Cao Cao says “Who hesitates shall be lost! Our armies which have been gathered and prepared are the crusade against rebellions, if Dong Zhuo knows that rebellions revolt in Shandong he will take advantage of the strategic defense strength emerging from LuoYang area by the power of the royal family and send troops east to control the country. ”
【摘要】CBI教学模式是一种把语言教学与内容教学融合在一起的依托内容教授语言的方法。在综合英语课程中进行CBI教学模式改革是顺应国家中长期教育改革的需要,符合培养技能型人才的要求。本文探讨了教师自身因素对综合英语CBI教学模式改革效果的影响。  【关键词】CBI教学模式;综合英语课程改革;教师自身因素  【作者简介】谷兰,丽江师范高等专科学校。  《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-20
【摘要】探究皮亚杰认知发展理论背景下学前儿童英语教育的策略:让儿童由被动学习变为主动建构,在贴近生活的自然语境下,通过同化和顺应不断修正已经形成的语言图式;根据前运算阶段的认知发展特征进行教学设计,让游戏等活动贯穿教与学的全过程;利用面部表情、肢体动作、声音和语调的变化以及空间利用等手段增加课堂感染力,提升教学效果。通过英语教育,促进幼儿认知能力和社会性全面发展。  【关键词】皮亚杰;认知发展理论
选择题是中考思品的主要题型之一,目的是检验考生对所学知识的掌握程度和辨别分析能力。在近几年的中考思品试题中,选择题的难度逐年增大,许多选择题都是以时政材料为知识载体考查学生对知识的掌握程度,这就给学生造成很大的困难。下面我结合近几年中考思品试题就其解题思路及技巧进行分析,与大家进行探讨。  一、解题的要求  掌握牢固的基础知识是做好选择题的基本前提。因此,在平时的复习中必须力求全面,准确地牢记、掌
【摘要】在西方国家的教育中,话剧表演一直占据着重要的作用。近年来,戏剧表演这一课堂形式逐渐被引入到我国的大学课堂教学中。戏剧表演具有很强的情景化叙事特点,尤其是对大学英语教学起到了重要的促进作用。我国教育对英语教学的整体水平远远低于西方国家。在大学英语教学中,仍然存在诸多问题,这就更需要戏剧表演课堂优势来弥补目前大学英语教学中存在的不足。本文就戏剧表演在大学英语教学中的作用做简要分析。  【关键词
【摘要】中考复习阶段,需要复习的词汇数量较多,而复习课时较为有限。为了提高词汇复习的全面性,教师往往采用 “课后记忆、课上听写”的词汇复习方式。教学实践证明,这种词汇复习方式的效果并不理想。本文提出了一种全新的词汇复习方式——单元话题词汇复习方式,旨在探索在初中词汇复习过程中,教师如何应用英语教材,引导学生领会、掌握并记住相应的词汇,并且做好相关词汇的拓展,配合小组合作学习模式,确保学生可以熟练地
【摘要】农村初中英语词汇教学存在诸多问题,导致学生理解和交流方面存在困难。为了帮助学生在日常的英语学习和交流方面有所提升,教师需要利用语境学习、构词法等多种策略,让学生更直接、更简单、更有效地学会、掌握并使用词汇。  【关键词】农村英语教学;词汇;策略  【作者简介】徐建珍,福建省福州市长乐区金峰中学。  一、现状  词汇是英语语言学习最根本的也是最重要的传递信息的表达工具。英国语言学家Wilki
【摘要】大学英语教学目标的实现最终要通过教师课堂教学输入的效果和学生英语学习产出的效果这两个方面来衡量。教师要在课堂教学实践中反复摸索和尝试,始终以效果为导向,并将其作为大学英语课堂教学的出发点和落脚点。笔者在本文中提出了应试与语用相结合、联想和具化相贯通的课堂教学理念和想法,以期引发广大高校英语教师的思考和讨论,最大程度地优化大学英语课堂教学效果。  【关键词】效果导向;大学英语;课堂教学  【
新课改,新高考,新策略。2012年湖北省首次参加新课标高考,结合我校备考工作实践,笔者认为可以通过优化四大备考策略,助推政治高效复习,有效提升学科成绩。  一、夯实基础知识,“要素备考”给力高效复习  “越是基础知识就越具有决定意义,越是基础知识就越有区分度。”因此,夯实基础知识是高考复习的关键要素,也是考生能否取得理想成绩的关键因素。  1 “抓纲”与“务本”相结合,构建知识体系。“抓纲”,即“
【摘要】本文依托课题组研究结果分析了高中女生英语学习焦虑的成因,从学习者本身、英语教师授课方式、心理健康教育工作者参与等方面提出相应的教学应对策略。  【关键词】高中女生;焦虑成因;教学对策  【作者简介】黄兆钊,朱鹏鸣,马靖雯,甘肃省白银市白银区银光中学。  高中女生因英语学习强度和压力越来越大,且在心理、生理上与初中时期相比出现了很大的变化,易出现学习焦虑情况,具体表现为课堂不想听讲、不愿意发