目前,全球网络用户已经超过10亿,并且这一数字仍在高速递增。中国互联网络信息中心 (CNNIC)于2006年1月17日发布的第十七次调查结果显示,中国网民已经达到1.11亿。从网络媒体所表现出来的影响力、社会地位、政治认可度以及对重大事件的报道能力,可以看出网络媒体作为继报刊、广播、电视之后的第四媒体的巨大影响力。
There are currently over 1 billion users worldwide and this figure is still increasing rapidly. The 17th survey released by China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) on January 17, 2006 shows that the number of netizens in China has reached 111 million. From the influence of online media, social status, political recognition and ability to report on major events, it can be seen that online media has great influence as the fourth media after newspapers, radio and television.