近些年,明显看到教室里戴眼镜的学生越来越多。新学期开学班主任最闹心的事是家长、学生要求往前调座位。让老师左右为难。近视不得不引起我们的关注、反思。学生近视情况究竟如何?都是有哪些原因造成的?又有什么样的补救措施呢?为此,笔者根据酒泉师范附属小学近三年学生体检情况和平时的观察、了解,做了调查分析。一、调查概况1.调查目的 :了解我校学生近视率的情况及成因、制定些预防近视矫正近视的方法措施,增强保护视力的意识,形
In recent years, it is obvious that more and more students wear glasses in the classroom. New semester class teacher is the most nifty thing parents, students asked to transfer seats. Let the teacher dilemma. Myopia has caused us concern, reflection. What are the causes of myopia? What are the causes? What kind of remedial measures? To this end, the author based on the Jiuquan normal primary school nearly three years of medical examination and peacetime observation, to understand and did a survey analysis. I. Survey Survey 1. Purpose of the Investigation: To understand the situation and causes of myopia students myopia to develop some methods and measures to prevent myopia correction of myopia, and enhance awareness of the protection of vision, shape