English Teaching and the Dissemination of Chinese Culture

来源 :西江文艺·下半月 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dorawu
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  Abstract: With the growing international status of China, China in the political, economic, and military and other aspects have stood before world powers. However, in the aspect of the culture, the impact of globalization of Chinese cultural sovereignty is threatened. How to make China a country of culture to the global spread of Chinese traditional culture has become the mission entrusted by the times of contemporary youth. The college English teaching and cultural education is affecting the effectiveness of traditional Chinese culture spread. In English teaching to enhance penetration of Chinese culture, is to inherit and carry forward the fine traditional Chinese culture needs is the need for cross-cultural communication. It is to train students dialectical cultural awareness needs. To address the current English teaching Chinese cultural infiltration serious deficiencies in reality, English teaching content must be adjusted to increase the native culture; improve quality of English teachers, and take responsibility of spreading Chinese culture; carry out a variety of extra-curricular activities to enhance Chinese cultural infiltration.
  Key words: English teaching, Chinese culture
  1. Introduction
  In recent years, as China’s Reform and Opening-up developing, foreign activities increases and intercultural communication appears frequently. With suitable, the concept foreign language teaching “is not just language teaching, but includes cultural teaching,” has gradually become China’s foreign community consensus. Foreign language teaching is necessary to attach importance to the students’ language skills and interpersonal skills and teach cultural knowledge beyond books. It is necessary to strengthen the Anglo-American cultural import and gradually increase the penetration of Chinese culture. Make efforts to enable students to understand the culture of the two parties at the same time and more deeply comprehend Chinese culture is colorful and excellent. With the world economic integration, the information network comes globalization; western people take advantage of some people’s misunderstanding to further threaten the dissemination of Chinese culture. Promote the Chinese traditional culture and promote the spread of traditional Chinese culture has become an inescapable responsibility of contemporary youth.
  2. Serious deficiencies of Chinese cultural infiltration in current English teaching
  Language and culture are inseparable. Language and culture of this interdependent relationship determine the importance of culture in language teaching position. Therefore, linguists and educators generally believe in foreign language teaching should be added to the target language culture teaching. They introduce a large number of customs and culture in Britain and the United States in the English class, and set up a compulsory course to English and American culture as the background and the core and elective courses. However, along with Britain and other countries, students increase cultural understanding and use of English and Anglo-American cultural expression bilingual capability, but there is a strange phenomenon - “Chinese Culture Aphasia.” Students in cross-cultural communication are unable to use appropriate English expressions of Chinese culture because of the English explanation to this culture understanding insufficiency, which leads to the failure of communication or inefficient and foreigners’ misunderstanding of Chinese culture. There are quite a number of English learners lacking profound Chinese culture. Because people focus on learning English and American national culture and ignore the penetration of Chinese culture. Chinese culture in English teaching don not get enough attention, which makes Chinese English learners use English to express Chinese culture rarely and can not effectively spread the Chinese culture to the world well.   3. Suggestions and countermeasures
  Construction of Harmonious human environment a top priority is to spread traditional Chinese culture. In view of the Chinese traditional culture is facing the crisis, universities should take on task of teaching and educating people and the rejuvenation of the Chinese culture. Universities and colleges should be from the aspects of curriculum, teaching materials and teaching methods to strengthen the teaching of traditional Chinese culture.
  English teaching must strengthen the Chinese cultural infiltration. We should use English teaching ways to strengthen Chinese cultural infiltration. Firstly, adjust the English teaching materials and increase native culture. Secondly, contrast, the Western two cultures, English language teaching. Thirdly, improve the quality of English teachers, and take responsibility spread of Chinese culture. Fourthly, carry out a variety of extra-curricular activities to enhance Chinese cultural infiltration.
  4. Conclusion
  In a word, in English teaching to enhance penetration of Chinese culture, is to inherit and carry forward the fine traditional Chinese culture needs is the need for cross-cultural communication. It is to train students dialectical cultural awareness needs. To address the current English teaching Chinese cultural infiltration serious deficiencies in reality, English teaching content must be adjusted to increase the native culture; improve quality of English teachers, and take responsibility of spreading Chinese culture; carry out a variety of extra-curricular activities to enhance Chinese cultural infiltration.
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摘要:本文介绍了“中国式英语”和“中国英语”的界定和两者之间的差异,分析了影响中国英语形成的因素,最后探讨了中国英语发展的可能途径以及在此过程可能存在的问题。文章最后指出:中国英语的发展前景比较广阔。  关键词:中国式英语;中国英语;影响因素;形成途径;问题;前景  几十年来中国的英语教育迅速发展,英语教学和英语学习模式几经变化,学习内容不断更新和深化。出现了诸如“Chinese English(
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摘要:本文通过研究,分析了在计算机教学中,制约学生创新能力发展的因素,提出了促进学生创新能力发展的策略,对于促进计算机教学的发展,促进学生创新能力的提升具有积极的作用。  关键词:计算机;学生;创新能力;培养  创新是一个民族一个国家兴旺发达的原动力,没有创新,一切工作都难以高效开展,创新是时代的最强音。就教育而言,要积极的通过教学改革创新,培养学生的创新能力,促进学生在创新的基础上有效学习有效发
摘要:四川康巴藏区是我国三大藏族聚居区之一,在我国的西南边疆占据着十分重要的地位。推进藏区教育事业的发展,保障康巴藏区人民群众的受教育权利,从而提高藏区人民的文化素质,是时代赋予四川康巴藏区的历史使命,是全面构建和谐社会的一大创新举措。文章从发展我国藏区教育事业存在的主要问题出发,并以此为基础,对发展我国藏区教育事业的新思路进行分析,以供相关读者参考,力争藏区教育事业更上一个新的台阶。  关键字:
摘要:高等师范院校美术毕业创作是学生四年美术学习成绩的综合体现,在美术创作过程中,日趋呈现出一些问题。针对美术创作中存在的问题,建议在美术教学中应让学生打好思想,生活,美术三方面的基本功。  美术创作是人的审美创造活动。美术创作被认为是美术创作者运用各种工具,通过熟练的技巧,深入构思,和丰富的想像力创作艺术作品的过程。在此过程中表达他们对社会生活的体验,感受以及态度。  关键词:美术创作;社会生活