Influence of lactulose on interventional therapy for HCC patients with hepatocirrhosis and hypersple

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Lu153
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Objective: To investigate the influence of lactulose on immunity of hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) patients with hepatocirrhosis and hypersplenism after double-interventional therapies. Methods: A total of 40 HCC patients with hepatocirrhosis and hypersplenism, hospitalized during January 2013 to June 2014, were enrolled and randomized into control group and observation group. Both groups received partial splenic embolization combined with transcatheter arterial chemoembolization. Besides, observation group orally took lactulose 30 m L/d. Four days before interventional therapies and at day 1, 3, 7 and 14 after therapies, fasting venous blood was collected to detect white blood cell count, red blood cell count(RBC), and platelet count(PLT). Four days before therapies and at day 7 and 14 after therapies, the levels of alanine aminotransferase, aspartate transaminase, total bilirubin, malondialdehyde, super-oxide dismutase(SOD), IFN-α, and IL-4 as well as the distribution of T cell subsets in peripheral blood were tested. Complications were observed after interventional therapies. Results: Before interventional therapies the levels of white blood cell count, PLT and RBC in both groups showed no difference, while after interventional therapies the levels of PLT and RBC in both groups showed an increasing tendency(P<0.05). At day 14 after interventional therapies, the level of blood cell as well as that of SOD, IFN-α and IL-4 in serum were significantly higher than that before therapies; meanwhile, the levels of alanine aminotransferase and total bilirubin of observation group after therapies were significantly lower than before and control group(P<0.05), the levels of CD4+/CD8+, SOD and IFN-α were all higher than before and control group(P<0.05). Conclusions: Oral administration of lactulose could adjust the imbalance of oxidation system/antioxidant system in HCC patients with hepatocirrhosis and hypersplenism after interventional therapies, and improve the antitumor immunity and prognosis. Objective: To investigate the influence of lactulose on immunity of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients with hepatocirrhosis and hypersplenism after double-interventional therapies. Methods: A total of 40 HCC patients with hepatocirrhosis and hypersplenism, hospitalized during January 2013 to June 2014, were enrolled Both groups received partial splenic embolization combined with transcatheter arterial chemoembolization. Both, observation group orally took lactulose 30 m L / d. Four days before interventional therapies and at day 1, 3, 7 and 14 after therapies, fasting venous blood was collected to detect white blood cell count, red blood cell count (RBC), and platelet count (PLT). Four days before therapies and at day 7 and 14 after therapies, the levels of alanine aminotransferase, aspartate transaminase , total bilirubin, malondialdehyde, super-oxide dismutase (SOD), IFN-α, and IL-4 as well as the distribution of T cell subsets Complications were observed after interventional therapies. Results: Before interventional therapies the levels of white blood cell count, PLT and RBC in both groups showed no difference, while after interventional therapies the levels of PLT and RBC in both groups At day 14 after interventional therapies, the level of blood cell as well as that of SOD, IFN-α and IL-4 in serum were significantly higher than that before therapies; meanwhile, the levels of alanine aminotransferase and total bilirubin of observation group after therapies were significantly lower than before and control group (P <0.05), the levels of CD4 + / CD8 +, SOD and IFN- . Conclusions: Oral administration of lactulose could adjust the imbalance of oxidation system / antioxidant system in HCC patients with hepatocirrhosis and hypersplenism after interventional therapies, and improve the antitumor immunity and prognosis
【摘 要】从近些年的发展来看,人们逐渐认识到儿童文学对儿童成长的重要,因此,在语文教学中选择了多种类型的儿童读物,充分开发想象力。儿童文学与小学语文教学实际上存在着十分密切的关联,但是儿童文学在小学于文文教学中的教育功能并没有充分的发挥,实际的教学缺乏系统性。本文对小学语文教科书中的儿童文学选文研究作了问题,为提升小学语文课堂教学效率打下基础。  【关键词】小学语文 教科书 儿童文学 选文研究  
“师者,所以传道授业解惑也”。伴随着时代的发展及素质教育的推进,我们正经历着学习方式的历史性变革,其根本要求就是要使学生得到全面和主动的发展,其核心是培养创新精神和实践能力,让学生学会生活,学会求知,学会做人。  教师不再是知识的灌输者,而是引导学生自主学习和探究的伙伴。教师在引导学生学习的过程中,既要调动学生学习的兴趣,又要教给学生学习的方法,“授之以渔”,才能使其终身享用。那么如何培养学生自主
青少年是祖国的未来,民族的希望,青少年心理品质如何,关系到国家的前途和民族命运,我们教育工作者,做好青少年心理健康教育工作是不可推御的责任地。  如何在进行知识教育的同时,完善学生的人格,使他们适应社会的需求,成为摆在我们面前的重大课题,那么在小学语文教学中又该如何渗透心理健康教育呢?我总是从电脑上或老教师那学一些不系统的方法,教不得法。但是在2007年我用一年时间,在网上报名系统学习了心理学,又
【摘 要】自制教具是教师和学生为了改进教学方法,就地取材,自己制作的教具。针对新课程改革的发展需要,广大教师在教育教学中大胆创新,通过自制教具,引导学生制作学具,并应用于实践,有效地促进了学生综合能力的可持续发展。  【关键词】自制教具 有效课堂 教学研究 素质教育  一、能有效培养学生学习的主动性  素质教育的发展,对学生各个方面的能力培养都提出了更高的要求,包括学生联系实际生活的应用能力、操作
【摘 要】在素质教育时代,实践教学是一个十分重要的方面,尤其是对于小学数学而言,必须要积极加强对传统教学模式的改进,以提高小学生对数学学习的兴趣。本文对素质教育时代小学数学教学策略进行分析和探讨,旨在提高小学数学教学水平。  【关键词】小学数学 数学教学 创新策略  一、加强对素质教育的认识  素质教育是小学素质教育中的一个重要理念,对于学生的个性特征的考虑以及学生的综合能力水平的提升有很大的帮助
【摘 要】作业是巩固课堂知识最直接的方式,也是促进学生从知识向技能发展的有效方法。在传统小学数学的作业设计中,因教师更多倾向于让学生通过作业训练获得解题能力的发展,忽视了对学生知识应用技能的培养,从而出现了“题海战”反复、机械式的训练。因此,新课改理念下小学数学中优化作业设计,就是要把学生从封闭的解题训练模式中解放出来,以数学知识为手段,以生活为出发点,实现数学和生活的联系,进而全面提高学生的数学
【摘 要】一个人的思维是不断在发展、提高的,尤其是小学生更明显、突出。小学数学中的概念问题,要让学生理解、掌握和应用其本质共性比较困难。如果采取直观形象、比较、动作、知识迁移这四个方面去教学,就会有助于学生抓住概念的本质,达到深刻理解和掌握数学概念的目的。  【关键词】概念 概念教学 动作表演  小学数学概念的教学是当今在数学科的教学中人们一贯认同难以教学的一课。因为它是现实生活中某一数量关系和空
目的:目前的研究已经证实醛固酮受体拮抗剂螺内酯在用于心肌梗死(myocardial infraction,MI)后治疗时起到了逆转心室重构的作用。国内外实验也已经证实转化生长因子-betal(tra