【摘 要】
In the analysis of the less salient poem“To Earthward”written by Robert Frost,three layers in the protagonist’s pursuit have been found:the sensuous joy,the
【机 构】
Zhuhai College of Jilin University,
In the analysis of the less salient poem“To Earthward”written by Robert Frost,three layers in the protagonist’s pursuit have been found:the sensuous joy,the intense pain and the“weight and strength”to get such a feeling;yet the conviction in such a“down-to-earth”behavior is betrayed by a little word“as”at the end of this poem,which unfolds that the above confession is in essence a transcendental presupposition and what the poet is obsessed with turns out not to be some concrete truth but his verisimilar fantasy.
In the analysis of the less salient poem “To Earthward ” written by Robert Frost, three layers in the protagonist’s pursuit have been found: the sensuous joy, the intense pain and the “weight and strength ” to get such a feeling ; yet the conviction in such a “down-to-earth” behavior is betrayed by a little word “as ” at the end of this poem, which unfolds that the above confession is in essence a transcendental presupposition and what the poet is obsessed with turns out not to be some concrete truth but his verisimilar fantasy.
【摘要】城镇化的发展和日渐开放的社会,城市标识已成为一道亮丽的城市风景线。许多城市也相应增加了英文等外文标识。所遗憾的是,由于我国城市化步伐的加快,城市标识英译也乱象丛生,颇需规范和统一。因此加强对城市标识英译乱象的整顿,统一英译标识的使用就颇为必要。强化对城市标识的英译的规范化管理,有助于增加文化互动所带来的理解和沟通。 【关键词】标识语 英译乱象 对策 当前随着我国城市化的发展,城市标识已
【摘要】广告翻译不仅仅是两种语言之间的转换,还涉及到两种文化的差异,在广告翻译中应当在功能翻译理论的宏观指导下,充分考虑到广告这一文体的特征和功能,以及广告翻译中涉及的文化因素,采取相应的翻译策略,寻求文化契合点以实现翻译目的。 【关键词】广告 跨文化 功能翻译理论 翻译策略 随着我国与世界经济商贸往来的频繁和深入,广告翻译在品牌国际化,企业国际形象的建立,产品的国际性影响等方面的作用是不言而
【摘要】在英汉翻译中为保证语篇翻译质量合格,要注重衔接与连贯的识别应用。衔接包括隐性衔接与显性衔接,隐性衔接要通过内在逻辑或语义关联进行识别,因此容易出现判断错误。本文将对隐性衔接和连贯问题进行简要介绍,着重分析隐性衔接与连贯方面的翻译错误及应对策略,为提高英汉翻译准确性提供参考。 【关键词】英汉翻译 隐性衔接 连贯问题 语篇 识别 在英汉翻译中语篇是翻译的最终产物,为保证语篇翻译质量,衔接和
Introduction “Knowledge is neither data nor information,though it is related to both,and the differences between these terms are often a matter of degree” (Davenport