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  【Abstract】The traditional grammar teaching method can’t make learners communicate in real contexts accurately and fluently. The author will probe the effects of communicative approach applied in grammar teaching in this essay.
  【Key Words】English grammar teaching; Communicative Approach
  Since Communicative Approach boomed in the mid-1970s, grammar teaching has endured great pressure and faced serious challenges. The traditional grammar teaching method has been questioned, as it can’t make learners communicate in real contexts accurately and fluently. Communicative Approach aims at developing the learners’ communicative competence, emphasizes the function of communicative contexts in language acquisition and advocates that language teaching should satisfy learners’ demands for information exchange in real life and work.
  1. The current situation of grammar teaching for English majors
  The current situation of English grammar teaching is not satisfactory in many universities and colleges. Although the grammar course is formulated as a compulsory one to English majors, most of the students don’t treat grammar with interest and seriousness. On the one hand, some students hold that English teachers in college will just repeat the grammar points that they have learned in high school. On the other hand,due to two classes each week, almost all grammar teachers seldom pay attention to the details and organize effective activities in such limited time,thus making the class uninteresting and inefficient.
  2. Strategies of Teaching Grammar with Communicative Approach
  2.1 The Integration of Form and Function
  Grammar should not be merely considered as a system of rules but rather a unity of form and function. In order to make grammar learning more communicative, pattern drills should be related to function. The following examples can serve to illustrate communicative facts as well as structural facts.
  A: Don’t you think the news is quite disappointing?
  B: Yes, and I’m quite disappointed after hearing this.
  The dialogue not only shows the usage of participle—present participle is for modifying the characteristic of its subject and past participle is for describing the emotion of its subject, but also indicates the function of the disjunctive question. Now we can see it is possible to recognize the communicative function as well as the structure of the linguistic forms. It is a great leap towards communication.   2.2 Teaching Grammar in Discourse
  Learning grammar in meaningful contexts not only helps learners acquire the grammatical points, such as modality, transitivity, tense and voice, but also makes learners aware of across-sentence cohesion, the creation of texture and the function of certain grammatical items.
  Take the words of Robbie in FAMILY ALBUM as an example to illustrate the function of subjunctive mood in discourse.
  In the story of Family Album U.S.A., Robbie is graduating from high school. He is excited that there will be a graduation party. After the students read the words Robbie says to himself, the teacher induces the students to communicate with what they have learned.
  T: (1) If you were Robbie, how would you make the party funny? (Speeches? Music? Dance? Masks…?)
  S1: If I were Robbie, I would hold a fancy dress party. All my friends would wear
  masks and pretend to be different kinds of animals.
  2.3 Awareness-Raising
  Language awareness means teaching grammar including its form, meaning and use; building up students’ grammatical sensitivity —an awareness of what grammar is or does, an awareness that grammar is more than linguistic structure to be memorized and practiced.
  For instance,the teacher wants to introduce comparative adjectives to a class of low-level students. He or she first shows a picture of a tall girl named Lucy, saying,“Lucy is tall”.Then the teacher shows another picture of a taller girl called Linda,saying,“Linda is tall”.The teacher then puts the two pictures side by side and says,“Lucy is tall and Linda is tall too,but Linda is taller than Lucy”.After several examples,the students will understand the structure of the comparative adjectives and produce more sentences using the comparative pattern.
  Grammar is a compulsory course for English majors and grammar learning is significant for the students to become advanced English learners. The integration of CA into grammar teaching can make students acquire both the form, meaning and function of grammatical items, be aware of and sensitive to grammatical rules, engage in the diverse meaningful activities, develop linguistic competence as well as communicative competence to some extent.
  [1]George Y..Explaining English Grammar[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.2003
综观历年来的全国各省、市的中考英语试题,其特点是突出听力、注重双基、扩展阅读、增强词汇和实际运用能力。考查的知识点覆盖面广,并且体现学科渗透精神,试题的难度适中。命题的基本思路和指导思想都体现了新课改、新教材的精神,符合最新的英语教学大纲规定的教学目标。  中考复习时间紧、任务重,而复习是教学过程的重要环节之一。学生在英语复习过程中务必有一条清晰的思路,通过复习,对已学会的知识进一步巩固、深化,对
【摘要】情感态度指兴趣、动机、自信、意志和合作精神等影响学生学习过程和学习效果的相关因素,以及在学习过程中逐渐形成的祖国意识和国际视野。保持积极的学习态度是英语学习成功的关键。《新课程标准》要求教师在英语教学中不但要重视学生的语言知识和语言技能,更要关注学生情感态度的发展,引导学生将兴趣转化为稳定的学习动机。本文用具体的课堂实例阐释情感态度在英语阅读课堂中的应用。  【关键词】情感态度情感教学  
【摘要】高中英语阅读课教学是高中英语教学的核心,课前预习能提高英语阅读课的课堂教学效果。本文将从高中英语阅读课课前预习的重要性、存在的问题及预习的策略三个方面谈谈如何指导高中学生进行有效的英语阅读课预习。  【关键词】高中英语阅读课预习策略  一、高中英语阅读课预习的重要性  高中英语新教材体现在阅读课上,其素材具有题材广泛、体裁多样、语言知识丰富等特征,是每个单元教学的核心,也是培养学生语言输入
一、任务型教学法的理论依据  任务型教学法的提出基于前苏联心理学家Vygotsky(1962)的语言和学习理论,他强调语言学习的社会性,学习者是在社会交往、相互作用中发现、学会并运用知识的。到了20世纪80年代,外语教学法研究者和第二语言习得研究者经过大量的研究和实践提出了明确的具有重要影响的学习理论—任务型教学法。它是基于完成交际任务的一种语言教学方法(吴永艳,2003)。  任务型教学法的理论
【摘要】在分层模式下进行高职院校英语教学,不但能够帮助教师因材施教,促使教学的组织工作更加科学有效。而且能够激发学生学习积极性,使得学生自主学习的能力大大增强,从而提升学生的英语水平。  【关键词】高职院校英语教学分层模式  一、研究背景  近年来,高职院校的入校新生质量不断降低。学生成绩好坏不等,差距最为悬殊的即为英语成绩。这样就使得高职院校的教学工作变得较为艰难,即使教师全力以赴用心教学,仍然
【摘要】从学习角度来讲,“读”是基础,要达到听、说、读、写、各种能力的综合提高就应该首先注重增强“读”的能力。只要坚持正确的阅读方法,培养兴趣,广泛阅读,积累词汇,并且养成良好的阅读习惯,阅读理解能力一定会逐步提高。  【关键词】高中英语阅读教学方法效率  英语阅读中学生英语学习阶段的一个重点也是一个难点。如何提高学生的英语阅读水平是影响学生提高英语水平的一个重要因素。我觉得提高阅读速度只是一种片
【摘要】语言的学习离不开文化基础的支持,传统英语教学方法没有把文学背景知识与英语语言的特定环境结合起来进行教学,在英语教学中,教师必须运用现代信息技术,注意英语课文、单词、语法与英语国家文化基础知识和相关文学背景资料的结合,这样不仅可以激发学生学习英语的兴趣,而且能够使学生认识到学习和了解英语国家文化背景知识对于英语学习的重要意义,更加有效地提高英语教学质量。  【关键词】英语教学语言环境情境构建