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  【Abstract】This article discusses two strategies on culture translation: one of them is domestication,the other is foreignization. It is concluded that the two strategies have their respective features and applicable values. After comparing these two strategies,we can know which strategy we should use in our translation.
  【Key words】domestication; foreignization; comparison; source language; target language
  【关键词】归化 异化 比较 源语 目的语
  The sources of domestication and foreignization date from the 19th century in Germany. In 1813,in the speech for commemorating Wieland,Goethe spoke of two strategies of translation,one is to take the foreign author to us,and then we can consider him as one of our members; the other is that we go abroad,which place ourselves in the foreign environment. The dispute between domestication and foreignization originates in American translator Venuti. Domestication means making the text recognizable and familiar and thus bringing the foreign culture closer to the reader in the target culture,while foreignization means the opposite,taking the reader over to the foreign culture and making him or her feel the cultural and linguistic differences. Language is an aspect of culture,and so translation always has something to do with culture.
  Domestication should observe main values of the TL and openly assimilate the source text conservatively in order to cater to the TL canon,publication trend and political factors. The two strategies are adopted by the translator according to the differences between the target and source cultures,the translating objects,genres,the author’s intention and the target language readers. Domestication is target language culture oriented. Those who are in support of domestication advocate that translating should adapt to the target language culture and eliminate the cultural barrier between these two languages. While foreignization is source language culture oriented. It aims at enriching the target language culture and satisfies the curiosity of the readers in need of a sense of foreignness. They are put forward on the basis of the German philosopher Schleiermarcher’s theory. He divided translation into two categories: one is that “the translator leaves the author in peace as much as possible,and moves the reader toward him”; the other is that “the translator leaves the reader in peace as much as possible,and moves the author toward him”.   The following examples may serve to illustrate this point:
  E.g. 至于才子佳人等书…
  Translation 1: And the “boudoir romances”…
  Translation 2: As for books of the beauty-and-talented type…
  The first translation of the example is domestication while the second one foreignization. Boudoir romances would arouse the same imagination in the English readers as the beauty-and-talented would in the Chinese readers. Some political articles need to be translated by domestication,domestication can keep the originality of the article.
  E.g. 展览会的目的在于聚集和展示国内外高科技最新成果,搭建世界级高新技术产业合作与交易平台。
  The objective of the exhibitions is to show the latest achievements in the hi-tech field within and outside the country and to set up a worldwide platform for exchanges and transactions of hi-tech products.
  A more serious aspect of having domestication as a dominant translation strategy is,according to Venuti,the fact that translations wield considerable power in the construction of national identities for foreign cultures. Translations can change domestic representations and create stereotypes for foreign cultures,which may have such consequences as ethnic discrimination,colonialism and geopolitical confrontations. It is thus important to consider whether the resulting representations of foreign cultures in translated texts are ethical. Some translation strategies and their effects on the image of the source culture portrayed will be the topic of the next section.
  The Schleiermacher emphasizes the importance of foreignising translation. The privileged position of the receiving language or culture is denied,and the alterity of the source text needs to be preserved. Domestication and foreignization forms a contrastive pair. As a bridge for culture integration,foreignization in a sense means transplanting the norms of the original language into the target language,so as to transfer the original information as much as possible to the translated version. Through contrastive translation of Chinese names and cultural-specific expressions,the advantages and disadvantages of each strategy become self-evident. Therefore,the selection of strategy relies on the text,the situation and the author’s and translator’s purpose. In Chinese,“因特網”(internet)、“基因”(gene)、“一石二鸟”(killing two birds with one stone)、“肥皂剧”(soap opera)、“伊甸园”(the garden of eden),英语中的“qi gong”(气功)、“taiji quan”(太极拳)、“kong fu”(功夫)and so on. These words do not exist in Chinese,and the translator makes the readers accept these foreign words according to foreignization.   Globalization is the trend of the development of the world. People must know the culture from other countries. As a means of relaxing the conflict,foreignization can make us know foreign culture and make foreigners know our culture.
  E.g. 中国的“福”字代表幸运和幸福,每逢春节,几乎家家户户都要倒贴“福”字,以祈求喜庆吉利,福运到来。之所以要倒贴,是因为“倒”在中文里与“到来”谐音。
  The Chinese character Fu represents happiness and good luck. During Spring Festival,almost every family posts an inverted Fu on windows or doors to invite good fortune. But why do the Chinese put Fu upside down? It is because the Chinese word for “inverted” “dao” bears the same pronunciation as the word “arrive”.
  From this example,we get to know that styles and honorifics contain abundant cultural and historical information,and at the same time,they portray a distinctive and vivid image before our eyes. It is a thorny problem to translate them,since these names are names first and meanings second. The best method to translate them is foreignization with annotation. If they are translated in pinyin only,the implied meanings will lose.
  On the view of the author,the translation must be accepted by readers,and then it must be accepted by the author. Translation should have some ingredients of foreignising culture,however it cannot be new and original,or the readers cannot accept it. A translation should have some foreign features and sentiment,but it has to be control in a range. If the translation oversteps the range,it is a wrong translation. With the ever-growing frequency of national exchange,mutual understanding is in demand. The difference of languages not only lies in sound,vocabulary and sentence structure,but also more importantly in distinct cultural features. “Domestication” and “foreignization” are two major strategies applied to solve the cultural conflicts between the source language and the target language. Usually,“domestication” is favored by translators. However,with the development of cultural globalization,paying more attention to “foreignization” strategy will be helpful for the cultural communication among different nations.
  [1]Baker,Mona.Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies[M].London and New York:Routledge,1998.
  [2]Gu,Zhengkun.Translation of loan words and academic problems in China[J].Chinese Translators Journal,1998(6).
  [3]Sun,Zili.A dialectical view of translation[J].Journal of PLA University of Foreign Studies,1996(5).
1.Intorduction  Ernst-August Gutt studies translation with relevance theory.He finds connection between translation and relevance,“…relevance is dependent on the interplay of two factors: contextual e
掩盖一桩谋杀案是多么容易,这令埃米莉暗暗吃惊。  结婚30年了,没有一个人怀疑乔治是为了另一个女人而离开她。坦率地说,这种看法令她震惊甚至愤怒。  “可怜的埃米莉,”隔壁的丹尼斯说,“谁都知道乔治是个混蛋。”  “埃米莉——”查伦摇了摇头,“嗯,你知道她变得……太不注意外表。而他处在危险的年龄……可能在南方遇到了某个骚货。”  所以当埃米莉独自一人伤心地从墨西哥回来时,人们只是摇摇头。当她把房子出
面对英语复习单元的课堂教学,一些老师会感到茫然无措,缺乏有效的方法对策。尽管不少老师可能做过诸多尝试,甚或借鉴了一些国外经验做法,可依然收效甚微,复习单元的课堂教学还是表现出机械重复、枯燥、低效的特征。正因为此,笔者我不揣浅陋,结合自已长期课堂教学实践,贸然提出了复习单元课堂教学的一些策略,拟从复习内容、教学环节、教学模式、学生的学习方式等方面给大家一点参考建议。  一、“再现、梳理、归纳、精炼”
【摘要】本文以韩礼德和哈桑的衔接理论为基础,以奥巴马总统2013年就职演说及中译本为语料,着重对其中指称衔接手段对比分析,以期帮助广大英语学习者了解语篇衔接手段,从而提高翻译实践能力。  【关键词】就职演说 指称衔接 对比分析  一、引言  衔接是语篇生成的必要条件,是语篇必不可少的组成部分。衔接手段分为指称(亦称照应)、替代、省略、连接及词汇衔接。其中,指称、替代、省略、连接属于语法衔接手段,而
【摘要】本文以一堂公开课为例,从教师和学生两个方面,就在阅读课中如何培养学生形成正确的文本解读策略和技巧进行了实践探究,并取得了良好显著的效果。  【关键词】文本解读 策略 技巧  新课程背景下的高中英语教学,要求广大教师对教材内容深度的挖掘,指导学生阅读策略,帮助学生形成解读文本的技巧,在课堂上引导学生思考,激发思维的火花,在教学的不同环节中,学生能够进行有效阅读,从而提高学生的阅读能力。下面笔
【摘要】目前一部分高校学生对英语学习兴趣不高。针对这一现象,高校教育工作者可以从希腊罗马神话出发来解释词汇的含义,并结合作者的经历与之对比来解读文章。为了改善这一情况,高校英语教育工作者可以注意词汇、文章、作者等背景知识的介绍。笔者在本文中主要举例解释如何把这几方面结合到一起。  【关键词】高校英语教学 俄狄蒲斯情结 劳伦斯  一、俄狄蒲斯情结  俄狄浦斯(Oedipus)是希腊神话中忒拜(The
【摘要】课堂提问,是课堂教学的重要途径,是师生之间进行信息和情感交流的重要环节。有效的提问具有增进师生交流、激发学习兴趣、启迪学生思维、锻炼学生表达能力的功能。因此,课堂教学的效果在很大程度上取决于教师提问的时机,技巧。  【关键词】提问时机 提问内容 提问方法 评价艺术  新课程下的理想课堂应是师生互动、心灵对话的舞台。教学过程是师生间、学生间互动的过程,教师提问和学生应答构成了师生间语言交流、
【摘要】任何一种语言的形成与发展,都离不开该语言所蕴含的丰富文化。单纯的语言知识积累并不意味着能将这门语言学好。因此,在大学英语的教学过程中,教师有必要将语言教学和文化教学相结合,在教学过程中不断渗透文化知识,才能帮助学生更深入地理解文章,提高对语言的驾驭能力。  【关键词】背景知识 地下铁路 废奴主义者 自由 乔赛亚  上海外语教育出版社综合教程第三册一课——Freedom Givers,介绍了
尼禄和墨索里尼都是诗歌的忠实粉丝为何诗歌总是充满魔力,让这些专制残暴的人着迷?我们来看看冷酷残忍与多愁善感之间微妙的联系吧  诗歌是一种精炼文雅的艺术,是“精美”和“敏感”的代名词,但是我们不曾想过,诗歌也可以是一种打破规则的狂欢,且深受暴君喜爱。回顾古代经典到现代诗歌,总能发现独裁专制者写下的诗歌。他们在诗中寻找慰藉、亲密和荣光,描绘权力的本质,展现诗歌隽永的魅力,让我们知晓艺术阐释背后涌动的危
【摘要】随着全球化进程的日益加快,英语的应用也越来越广泛,但是传统英语教学的成果对于当代社会发展来说是远远不够的。语言是文化的重要载体,但是在实际的初中英语教学中,相对于英语基础知识来说,很大程度的忽略了在教学中的文化渗透,本文通过分析在英语教学中进行文化渗透的重要性和必要性,结合工作经验,得出了一些在新课程教育环境下初中英语教学中进行文化渗透的具体方法。  【关键词】新课程体系 初中英语 文化渗