许多英语教师在进行英语阅读课教学时,往往感到时间紧、节奏强、任务重、知识难,觉得课堂教学进程与课文知识内容、教师讲授知识与学生知识理解不同步,难于照顾到学生英语阅读能力的培养。相对而言,有的学生接受英语教育迟,起点低,在英语阅读课教学中教学目标与知识理解以及知识运用的矛盾更为突出。总结笔者多年在初中从事英语教学工作的经验,发现可采用“四刨”模式(即创造情景、创设问题、创置机会、创意讲解),听、说、读、写并举的教学法。本文拟以九年义务教育三年制初级中学英语教科书第三册Lesson 2《The Lost Book》为例,对“四创”教学模式略作阐释,与英语教学的同行共同探讨。
Many English teachers often feel tight time, strong tempo, heavy task and difficult knowledge when teaching English reading. They think that the process of classroom teaching and the contents of text knowledge are not synchronized with teachers’ knowledge and understanding of students’ knowledge, so it is difficult to take care of students’ English reading Ability to develop. Relatively speaking, some students accept English education late, the starting point is low, in the teaching of English reading teaching objectives and knowledge to understand and use of knowledge contradictions become more prominent. The author summarizes the author ’s experience in teaching English for many years in junior high school and finds that teaching methods such as listening, speaking, reading and writing can all be adopted with the mode of “four planes” (that is, creating situations, creating problems, creating opportunities, explaining creative ideas). This article intends to take the nine-year compulsory education three-year junior high school English textbook Book Three Lesson 2 “The Lost Book” as an example, to “four create” teaching mode a little explanation, and English teaching peers to discuss.