How to develop students writing skills Abstract

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  1.  Introduction
  As we know,the interest is the best teacher:All the teachers do is to make efforts arouse students’ interest in learning.Now I am teaching Class 1,Grade 3.After one year,I found that students can read,speak and listen to English more than write English.Most of the students didn’t know what to write and how to write,some can’t even write a correct sentences.They were not interested in English writing and some were idle-writing period or couldn’t finish writing work,either.Outside the classroom,in order to raise the efficiccency of my English teaching and learning,it is urgent for me to solve the problem that my students lack of interest in English writing and have poor writing skills,which otherwise prevent their other skills  from being improved.So I adopt a few new methods in teaching English writing based on Gu Yuguo’s “English Language Teaching Methodology”These new methos are called “better-organized activities.”
  2.  Problem Analysis
  After I identified the problem that students lack of interest and skills in English writing,I had to find out reasons for the problem.So as to put foword the solutions.Though questionaires and interviews,I found that: (1) Most of my students lacked of vocabulary and they didn’t kwow how to express themselves in English;(2)Some students reported that the teachers’ methods were dull,which could not attract their attention;(3)Others said the topic or writing task was not interesting and was not related to their daily life;(4) Many students complained that they were asked to copy the text,and didn’t know exactly the relations between language structuer and its meaning . They were usually influenced by the Chinese way of thinking.Ihey only put all the words togethers according to the word order of Chinese language.
  3.  Possible solutions
  In accordance with above reasons,the following solutions were proposed.
  ⑴Organizing interesting activities to arouse students’ interest in writing:selecting the interesting topics to write about, such as writing something related to the students’ studies.
  ⑵Developing students writing skills and teachering methods.
  ⑶Brainstorming before each writing activity
  ⑷Explaining some structure and its meaning
  The better-organized activities are to adoptthe above teaching writing methods.I decidedto use the above methods in my six-week experiment.
  4.  Project Objectives   The project is aimed to arouse the students’ interest in English writing and further improve  students’ writing skills,through better-organized activities in teaching English.
  5.  Project Hypothesis
  It is hypotherized that students’ interest in English. Writing will be aroused and their skill will be improved by better-organized activities in classroom teaching.
  6.  Project Rationale
  To stimulate students’ interest in learning is also raise students’  otivation.
  According to Williams and Robert Burden,  otivation refers to “a state of emotional arouse which leads to conscious decision to act and which gives rise to a period of sustained intellectual and physical effort in order to attain a previously set goal. Motivatoin is one of the most important factors in learning a foreign language.Among the  factors contributing to success of learners,  otivation amountsfor about 35%.
  Based on Wang Qiang’s “A course in English Language Teaching”,to motivate students,it is necessary to engage them in some act of communication. Students can be motivated by authentic writing tasks that some mmunication this book also introduces us “a progress approach towriting”which pays great attention to the progress of writing.The teacher provides to guide the students throughthe whole progress that the students undergo when they are writing,in order to help them to be independent writer.
  7.   Conclusion
  This report is the result of the experiment I conducted,which aimed at arouseing the students’ interest in English writing.In order to improve their writing skill through better-organized activities in English teaching.It was hypothesized that better-organized activities could arouse students’ writing in English learning and improve their writingskill at the end of the experiment.
  In order to solve the problem that my students lack of interest in writing and poor writingskill,several solutions were proposed and implemented during the whole research.
  However,there was some problemswith the  experiment.A small number of students are much interested in writing,which will be left for further researching.
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