赛迪网讯 ,据悉 ,联邦规章管理者于美国东部时间 9月10日采纳了新的设备标准以加快向更高音视频质量的数码电视的转变。联邦通信委员会 (FCC)以 5比 0的投票结果通过了可将数字电视信号直接接入电视机而不需要机顶盒和额外电缆的设备标准。为了观看收费电视 ,用户要向电视机中
It is reported that the federal regulations and managers in the United States on September 10 adopted a new device standard to speed up the shift to higher quality digital TV. The Federal Communications Commission passed a 5-to-0 vote on equipment standards that allow direct access to digital TV signals without the need for set-top boxes and extra cables. In order to watch pay TV, users want to television