【关键词】英文长句解析 语义分层法 综合英语教学
在英语专业的基础学习中,长句的解析一直是个难点,笔者拟以综合教程4第7单元The Monster课文为例来说明如何分析和理解长句。
The Monster是Deems Taylor 1937 年所著的一篇传记式文章,记述德国音乐家瓦格纳的生平,以一种欲扬先抑的手法刻画了一个有着种种劣迹然而又对人类音乐史做出重大贡献的“怪物”。文章中有很多长句,造成了学生理解的难点。
1.He wrote begging letters by the score,sometimes groveling without shame,at others loftily offering his intended benefactor the privilege of contributing to his support,and being mortally offended if the recipient declined the honor.
He wrote begging letters by the score.
(1)Sometimes he groveled without shame;
(2)At others he loftily offered his intended benefactor the privilege;
(3)The privilege is to contribute to his support;
(4)He was mortally offended;
(5)The recipient declined the honor.
(1)He wrote begging letters (letters asking for money) by the score (a lot of)
(2)Sometimes he groveled (humbled himself) without shame
(3)At others he loftily (proudly) offered his intended benefactor (possible supporter) the privilege (rights,“honor”)
(4)The privilege is to contribute to his support (lend him the money)
(5)He was mortally offended (very angry)
(6)The recipient (letter receivers) declined (refused) the honor (requirement,demand)
Paraphrase: He wrote a lot of letters to ask for money,sometimes he behaved very humbly in the letters,at other times he was very proud as if he’s giving people the “honor” to lend him the money.If others refused,he would be very angry.
2.It is a matter of being dumb with wonder that his poor brain and body didn’t burst under the torment of the demon of creative energy that lived inside him,struggling,clawing,scratching to be released; tearing,shrieking at him to write the music that was in him.
(1)It is a matter of being dumb with (overwhelmed with) wonder.(主句)
(2)His poor brain and body didn’t burst (explode) under the torment (torture) of the demon (devil,monster);
(3)The demon is his creative energy;
(4)The demon lived inside him;
(5)The demon struggled,clawed (scratched),scratched to be released;
(6)The demon torn him and shrieked at (screamed at) him to write the music;
(7)The music was in him.Paraphrase: It is a matter of being overwhelmed with wonder that he didn’t explode under the torture of the devil of his creative energy.The creative energy was inside him and struggled to get out.It torn him and screamed at him to write the music within.
3.了解基本的意群分层标志(markers)如:that,who 等关系代词,and,but等并列或转折连接处,后续成分与主体的连接处如of,–ing结构,特殊标点符号如分号等等。
【关键词】英文长句解析 语义分层法 综合英语教学
在英语专业的基础学习中,长句的解析一直是个难点,笔者拟以综合教程4第7单元The Monster课文为例来说明如何分析和理解长句。
The Monster是Deems Taylor 1937 年所著的一篇传记式文章,记述德国音乐家瓦格纳的生平,以一种欲扬先抑的手法刻画了一个有着种种劣迹然而又对人类音乐史做出重大贡献的“怪物”。文章中有很多长句,造成了学生理解的难点。
1.He wrote begging letters by the score,sometimes groveling without shame,at others loftily offering his intended benefactor the privilege of contributing to his support,and being mortally offended if the recipient declined the honor.
He wrote begging letters by the score.
(1)Sometimes he groveled without shame;
(2)At others he loftily offered his intended benefactor the privilege;
(3)The privilege is to contribute to his support;
(4)He was mortally offended;
(5)The recipient declined the honor.
(1)He wrote begging letters (letters asking for money) by the score (a lot of)
(2)Sometimes he groveled (humbled himself) without shame
(3)At others he loftily (proudly) offered his intended benefactor (possible supporter) the privilege (rights,“honor”)
(4)The privilege is to contribute to his support (lend him the money)
(5)He was mortally offended (very angry)
(6)The recipient (letter receivers) declined (refused) the honor (requirement,demand)
Paraphrase: He wrote a lot of letters to ask for money,sometimes he behaved very humbly in the letters,at other times he was very proud as if he’s giving people the “honor” to lend him the money.If others refused,he would be very angry.
2.It is a matter of being dumb with wonder that his poor brain and body didn’t burst under the torment of the demon of creative energy that lived inside him,struggling,clawing,scratching to be released; tearing,shrieking at him to write the music that was in him.
(1)It is a matter of being dumb with (overwhelmed with) wonder.(主句)
(2)His poor brain and body didn’t burst (explode) under the torment (torture) of the demon (devil,monster);
(3)The demon is his creative energy;
(4)The demon lived inside him;
(5)The demon struggled,clawed (scratched),scratched to be released;
(6)The demon torn him and shrieked at (screamed at) him to write the music;
(7)The music was in him.Paraphrase: It is a matter of being overwhelmed with wonder that he didn’t explode under the torture of the devil of his creative energy.The creative energy was inside him and struggled to get out.It torn him and screamed at him to write the music within.
3.了解基本的意群分层标志(markers)如:that,who 等关系代词,and,but等并列或转折连接处,后续成分与主体的连接处如of,–ing结构,特殊标点符号如分号等等。