Thermal Stresses in a Cylinder Block Casting Due to Coupled Thermal and Mechanical Effects

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yudsly2002
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Thermal stress in castings results from nonuniform cooling. The thermal stress and the deforma- tion can change the casting and mold contact conditions which then alter the heat transfer between the cast- ing and the mold. The contact element method was used to study the interaction between a sand mold and a casting. The contact status was then fed back to the heat transfer analysis between the sand mold and the casting to re-evaluate the heat transfer coefficient based on the gap size or pressure between surfaces. The thermal and mechanical phenomena are then coupled in two directions. The method was applied to analyze stress in a stress frame specimen casting and a cylinder block. The results are more accurate than without consideration of the contact effects on the heat transfer. Thermal stress in castings results from nonuniform cooling. The thermal stress and the deforma- tion can change the casting and mold contact conditions which then alter the heat transfer between the casting and the mold. The contact element method was used to study the interaction The contact status was then fed back to the heat transfer analysis between the sand mold and the casting to re-evaluate the heat transfer coefficient based on the gap size or pressure between surfaces. The thermal and mechanical phenomena are then coupled in two directions. The method was applied to analyze stress in a stress frame specimen casting and a cylinder block. The results were more accurate than without consideration of the contact effects on the heat transfer.
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【内容摘要】核心素养对学生的未来发展起着重要的作用,具有不可替代性。站在初中化学的角度来看待核心素养,可发现初中化学的核心素养,是学生在学习的过程中产生的能够利用所学化学知识解决相关化学问题的思维与能力。这就要求化学老师在教好专业知识的同时,要注意培养和提高初中学生的化学核心素养。  【关键词】初中学生 化学核心素养 培养策略  随着课程改革的逐步深入,革除传统教学中过度重视应试教育中存在的弊端,