Successful Events Demand a Joint Effort

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  One of the new realities both convention centres and meeting planners need to address these days is the rapid evolution in event content and formats. Driven by factors ranging from newly available technologies and changing delegate expectations to shifts in program requirements and an increasing engagement by participants in shaping the event structure itself, these shifts can require a significant investment of effort by all concerned– often with little time in which to do it.
  But there’s a lot at stake for everyone. Organizers know the importance of responding to changing expectations if they are to retain attendance, and those expectations are changing daily. Many features that were considered luxuries even a year or so ago – like sustainability programs or available connectivity - are now simply givens, while others such as the availability of content through multiple media and remote technologies are moving rapidly in that direction. To add even more of a challenge, this is all coming at a time when event finances are still challenged from years of global economic recession.

  Centres have their own issues in this regard. It’s a lot easier to change a program on paper than it is to reconfigure a building which may have been designed and built to meet different conditions. At the same time, many of the new services now so much in demand are costly to support – but organizers are not always willing to pay the extra expenses associated with delivering them. However, the centre product is itself constantly evolving, and that creates new opportunities to revisit how changing event requirements can be supported.
  In the end, only one thing really matters for both parties – and that is to ensure the delegate has the best possible experience and comes away from the event feeling they got a good return on their investment of both time and money. So it makes sense that more than ever, centres and planners should be collaborating on how to deliver that experience as powerfully and cost-effectively as possible.

  There are two keys to achieving this, and again, both parties have a role to play. The first is creativity and the second is transparency.
  In the creativity department, the need is to anticipate new program demands as far in advance as possible in order to create a better opportunity to address them. This means an ongoing dialogue between the planner and the centre during the period between booking and delivery in order to take full advantage of new services and program options that may be developed in the interim. Often – sustainability is a good example – it’s possible for planners to address their organizational expectations very cost-effectively by virtue of programs being put in place at the venues. In other cases – such as required new space configurations – creative solutions can be found within existing spaces if there is advance information that enables the venue to look more widely at the available options.
  As far as transparency, again it only makes sense to get all the expectations on the table and keep updating these as conditions evolve so there are no surprises on either side. With the long lead times characteristic of many events there can be a tendency to make decisions about spatial and servicing requirements under one set of circumstances and only revisit these after there have been significant changes, often with big cost implications. By keeping this conversation active and updated the surprise factor can be minimized – and in the meantime, everyone can be on the lookout for greater savings and efficiencies.
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当前,展览、会议与活动主办方共同面临的挑战之一就是展会活动从形式到内容都发生了变革。促成这些变化的因素有很多,包括科技不断进步,参会代表们的要求随时都在变化,对活动的参与程度越来越高等。在此背景下,打造成功的展会活动需要各方通力合作,而且常常只有很短的时间去做出调整。  然而,满足参会代表的需求对展会各方都具有重要意义。主办方深知,要保证活动的出席率,就必须满足参会代表们不断变化的需求。而这些需求
2013年11月26-28日,由中国贸易促进委员会主办,谊和永邦(北京)会展有限公司和中国贸促会推广交流中心共同承办的中国贸易展览会在哥斯达黎加首都圣何塞成功举办。本次展览会是为了配合同期召开的第七届中国-拉美企业家峰会而举办,旨在丰富会议内容,为中国企业提供更为直接高效的展示交流平台,开拓拉美市场,并挖掘自然资源丰富、劳动力成本相对较低、经济发展潜力巨大、与欧美国家有贸易特惠协议等优势。  本次
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背景:  全球化是展览行业的特点之一。中国会展行业在发展的过程中,不断吸收国外行业的优良经验。同时,潜力庞大、发展迅速的中国贸易市场也吸引了来自全球各地的展会主办方纷纷来华布局。人才本地化是很多外资公司中国公司的挑战之一,而展览会深深根植于相应行业的特点,更使得人才的作用格外重要。在本期栏目中,科隆中国、法兰克福展览、博闻中国、励展博览集团等知名跨国展览公司就中国公司成立的背景、会展人才素质、人才
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The SpielwarenmesseInternational Toy Fair Nürnberg, the leading international fair for toys, hobbies and leisure, is organized by the fair and marketing services provider SpielwarenmesseCo., Ltd.. Spi