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  Asia, with its vast land, gave birth to three quarters of world’s greatest civilizations.
  In the 21st century, the new Asia has once again become focus of attention on this planet.
  On September 7, 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed China and Central Asia build the Silk Road Economic Beltadopting an innovative cooperation mode. In the same month, in a speech at the Indonesian parliament President Xi expressed again China’s willingness to develop a good marine partnership with ASEAN to build “the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road”.
  The brand new big idea of above mentioned “One Belt and One Road” for international trade is not only a result of innovative continuity of ancient Chinese wisdom, but also a perfect combination of Oriental spirit of “good-neighborly friendship and win-win cooperation” with the contemporary trend of the world.
  As early as 2000 years ago, opened up by ancient , both the continental and the marine Silk Roads connected countries in Asia, Africa and Europe, greatly promoting the circulation of commodities, technologies and cultures among Eastern and Western countries. It can be said that due to these two Silk Roads that the economy of mediaeval times got on the way of globalization.   Asia today is an important engine of world economic growth as well as a land of prosperity. However, some areas are politically unstable and the profound impact of the international financial crisis is still persisting. Asia is facing both new challenges and historic opportunities. The idea of Silk Road Economic Belt and“the 21st Century Marine Silk Road”proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping offers a new way for China and other Asian countries to meet the challenges and to achieve sustainable development in the new era. The idea not only demonstrates China’s active efforts in Asian economic integration, but also is the actual fulfillment of the concept of “harmonious world”.
  Two thousand years of history has proved that as long as we adhere to solidarity and mutual trust, equality and mutual benefits, tolerance and mutual learning, and win-win cooperation, countries of different races, with different faiths and different cultural backgrounds can enjoy peace and mutual development.
  In the “Silk Road Research Program” initiated by UNESCO, the Silk Road is called “the Road of Dialogue”, which is a self-evident revelation for contemporary world.
  As an upgraded modern version of the ancient Silk Road, the Silk Road Economic Belt and “the 21st Century Marine Silk Road” will cover a broader area and benefit more countries. To the east of Silk Road Economic Belt is the dynamic Asia-Pacific Economic Circle, to the west the developed European economic Circle. In between these two Economic circles extend West China and Central Asia known as the strategic energy and resource base of the 21st century. The interaction between these two economic circles generates immeasurable energy, which will surely contribute to the forming of the world’s longest and most potential economic corridor. “The 21st Century Marine Silk Road” will link China with ports in Southeast Asian countries, from which China, ASEAN, South Asia and the Middle East will benefit a lot. A picture of modern marine civilization created jointly by Asian countries is unfolding in front of us.
  China puts forward a specific approach to the building of the two Silk Roads by forming a large regional cooperation through proceeding from key cities to the whole area, from cities along the road to the whole region. All the countries involved can work together to construct an Asian community with common interests and common destiny by smooth communications in policy, trade, roads, currency and people, achieving mutual development through mutual beneficial cooperation.   Countries along the two Silk Roads are speeding up taking actions, and the strategic vision of building them is being implemented step by step.
  Governments at all levels in China respond actively to this strategic vision and are making corresponding blueprints. Gansu Province, the golden section along the ancient Silk Road, is run through today by the Eurasian Continental Bridge. With the artery of energy, transportation and logistics continuously injecting new vitality, Gansu is destined to become the golden section of the Silk Road Economic belt , and its capital city --- Lanzhou will surely turn into a key pivot city in the zone.
  Just like Gansu, every section of both terrestrial Silk Road and the marine Silk Road had a splendid past, it is these ancient and modern Silk Roads that connect their past and future and lead them to new prosperity.
  Extending from the western Pacific coast in the east to the Baltic Sea in the west, and as the important birthplace of four greatest civilizations in Eurasia, Asia today is still one of the most promising regions in the world.
  Asia is growing fast! In 2013, with its economic aggregate accounting for 30 % of the global economy, Asia has become an important growth engine for the whole world. The two new Silk Roads connecting countries together on Asian continent are like two strong wings of Asian economy, with good timing, geographical convenience and unity of people, these two wings are to stretch open to carry Asia higher and higher!
  Let us hold hands flying over mountains and oceans. What we are about to see is an unprecedented prospect where there will be no barriers and no doubts. Like our predecessors, we are going to create with our courage and strength new miracles in the history of mankind civilization.
[摘要]本文以西北师范大学非英语专业35名少数民族学生与35名汉族学生为调查对象,通过问卷调查的形式,研究了非英语专业少数民族学生与汉族学生在英语课堂焦虑方面的差异。调查结果表明,非英语专业少数民族学生的英语课堂焦虑度高于汉族学生的课堂焦虑度,少数民族学生的自信心不足,英语学习方法欠佳。最后,本文对非英语专业少数民族学生的英语教学提出了几点建议。  [关键词]非英语专业少数民族学生;非英语专业汉族
武夷山  武夷山是“中国四大世界双遗”之一,其他三个是黄山、泰山、乐山大佛。这里最著名的人文景观是朱熹书院。朱熹出生在福建尤溪,14岁丧父后随母亲来到崇安县,即现在的武夷山市,并在这里讲学,开设学堂。书院里还有朱熹和学生蜡像,学生坐在下面专心听课,先生站在台上,手持书卷,仿佛正在讲授他的朱式理学,其中大概还有他的三寸金莲之说吧。  武夷山的自然风光是“四大双遗”中最为自然、人工痕迹最少的,无论爬山
由于有着生于斯、长于斯、啼于斯、歌于斯的总角记忆和缱绻乡情,我一直对抒写关中,特别是故乡渭北高原一带风土民俗的文字格外留意。自己也差强人意地写过一些。这大概也就是《左传》上所说的那种“乐操土风,不忘旧也”的情愫吧。  故乡风高土厚之淳朴,民俗歌谣之优美,乐善仗义之慷慨,历来为人们所津津乐道,往往被赞为一块古风犹存的土地。从唐代韩琮《骆谷晚望》诗中“秦川如画渭如丝”的诗句到清代李声振《百戏竹枝词》中
2013年10月下旬,受韩国庆尚北道邀请,我有幸考察新罗故地,并参加庆尚北道、《庆北时报》主办,韩国海洋科学技术院承办,韩国海洋财团、韩国海洋大学、庆州市协办的“海洋丝绸之路国际学术会议”。  为拓展丝绸之路文化,庆尚北道成立专门办事机构——“韩国丝绸之路项目部”,负责人是金南镒先生。2013年7月,我们在兰州大学举办的“敦煌和丝绸之路国际学术研讨会”中相识,新罗故地见面,很高兴。寒暄几句,他就满
酒文化  图/赵时铭
我听到关于邓团子先生最多的四个字是“团子大姐”,这是故乡甘肃天水的亲人对她的敬称。2013年8月22日,“团子大姐”在北京去世,享年87岁。她的逝去,对于故乡天水是静默的,在远离北京千里之外的内地,人们对邓团子先生的哀悼是默默的怀念,正如她从北京出生到离去,对内地亲人们的思念,也是矗立在窗前,安静地向远方望去,看远处淡蓝色的天空……  邓团子先生是爱国将领邓宝珊将军的女儿。1924年10月,冯玉祥
[摘要]基于对今雷台内汉墓封土情况的考察以及清代武威人段永恩有关灵钧台诗文的研究,本文认为铜奔马的出土地武威雷台最初应只是台下几座汉代砖室墓的封土。至后世,或于不知情的情况下,此墓封土又被重新加筑,从而形成今日所见之高台。后因其上供奉道教神仙雷祖而被称作“雷台”。作为一座汉代墓葬封土,雷台与张茂所筑灵钧台没有任何联系。因此,雷台不是前凉张茂所筑的灵钧台。  [关键词]雷台;前凉灵钧台;张茂;汉墓封
[摘要]祭祀文化是我国传统文化的重要组成部分。本文采取访谈和调查的方式,结合康乐及周边地区祭祀活动,对民间祭祀活动作了初步探讨。  [关键词]民间祭祀;传统文化;孝文化  [中图分类号]G122 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1005-3115(2014)02-0047-02  一、祭祀概说  祭祀是根据宗教或者社会习俗的要求进行的具有象征意义的一系列行动或仪式。可分为祭神和祭祖。祭祀是华夏典礼的
[摘要]作为一份贴近生活和百姓的杂志,《读者》在内容取材、经营理念等方面的变革与当代人的思想观念变化是同步的。本文主要以接受美学为理论基础,以《编读往来》栏目为个案,讨论自创刊以来《编读往来》栏目的内容变迁与受众价值取向之间交流互动的情况,以此透视《读者》内容变迁和读者价值取向的双向影响。  [关键词]《读者》;内容变迁;受众;价值取向;接受美学  [中图分类号]G255.2 [文献标识码]A [
1906年8月22日  昨夜,气温2℃,结冰了,也起风了。大雪很快就会开始卷起灰尘并刮起阵阵狂风。我们的马中有五匹在夜间逃出了牧场。经过三个小时的追寻之后,我们也只能找到两匹。我放马队离去,自己却留在通木伦山脚下,在蒙古包中被冻僵了。  3点钟时,马匹最终都被找到了。马队和马达汉从清早起就出发了。我向哈桑·伯克告别,并向他献上了一件吉尔吉斯族外套。瓦阳于中午登程,以在需要时为钟表上发条。努埃特和我