【摘 要】
With our country’s quick urbanization and modernization, the development of Pu’er’s rural tourism in Yunnan Province shows a good tendency. So the exploitati
【机 构】
School of Economics and Management, Pu'er University,
With our country’s quick urbanization and modernization, the development of Pu’er’s rural tourism in Yunnan Province shows a good tendency. So the exploitation and application of rural tourism has attracted increasingly attention from all walks of life. This paper starts with the current conditions and trends of both rural tourism and Dendrobium landscape in Pu’er, and then discusses the necessity and feasibility of the edible landscape application in Rural tourism. Based on this formula, the paper finally probes on the principles and the practical modes of it, in order to create good, healthful and reasonable rural tourist sights, realize its economic value, social value, cultural or spiritual value and ecological value, give a reference for the further study of rural tourism.
With our country’s quick urbanization and modernization, the development of Pu’er’s rural tourism in Yunnan Province shows a good tendency. So the exploitation and application of rural tourism has attracted especially attention from all walks of life. This paper starts with the current conditions and trends of both rural tourism and Dendrobium landscape in Pu’er, and then addressed the necessity and feasibility of the edible landscape application in Rural tourism. Based on this formula, the paper finally probes on the principles and the practical modes of it, in order to create good, healthful and reasonable rural tourist sights, realize its economic value, social value, cultural or spiritual value and ecological value, give a reference for the further study of rural tourism.
【摘要】本文以自己的一堂课第一次上课过程和经过反思后的上课过程为例,探究了在转换或递进教学内容时,如何进行流畅的连接。总结出了三点衔接流畅的策略,即导入提问要符合学生认知,问题要由易到难,环环相扣,重难点问题,准备铺垫性的问题,以符合学生的认知规律。 【关键词】问题衔接 转换和递进 引导和铺垫 目前,很多老师在阅读教学实践中往往会采用“三阶段”阅读教学模式,即在阅读课时一般要设计读前、读中和读
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【摘要】在新课标的指导下,以教师为主的理念逐渐向以学生为主的理念转变。学生作为学习的中心和主体地位日益受到广大教师群体的关注。然而中学生主动学习英语的积极性尤其是农村学校学生的积极性仍然不高。本文通过对影响中学生主动学习的因素分析并阐述培养学生自主学习能力的方法,使学生终生受益。 【关键词】英语学习 主动性 影响因素 培养策略 在新课标的指导下,以教师为主的理念逐渐向以学生为主的理念转变。学生
【摘要】微课是信息技术的发展的产物,同时也是一种全新的教学模式。它不仅能够打破传统教学课堂时间的限制,还能增强课堂的学习氛围。因此,它被广泛应用在小学英语教学中。所以本文分析了微课的主要特点,然后详细阐述了如何借助微课,提高小学英语教学质量,提高学生学习效率。 【关键词】微课 提高 小学英语 教学 质量 英语是小学生学习的重要科目之一。新课程标准明确指出:小学英语教师应该以学生为主体,培养学生
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