联合国人居署和亚洲清洁空气中心(Clean Air Asia)于2014年年底发布了双方联合出版的《促进亚洲城市非机动交通发展:政策制定者工具箱》(Promoting Non-motorized Transport in Asian Cities:Policy Makers’Toolbox)。目前亚洲大约有5亿机动车辆,据预测到2035年,东盟地区、中国和印度的机动车辆数和机动化指数在2012年的水平上都要至少翻倍。在很多国家,机动车的增长速度超过了GDP的增长速度。联合国人居署表示,建设安全美观的非机动交通设施以及将非机动交通整合人公共交通将有益于经济和社会发展,以相对较低的投资就能带来巨大的影响。该书是经过与专家进行广泛
In late 2014, both UN-HABITAT and Clean Air Asia announced the co-publication of "Promoting Non-motorized Transport in Asian Cities: Policy for Promoting Non-Motorized Transport in Asian Cities: Makers’Toolbox). At present, there are about 500 million motor vehicles in Asia. It is predicted that by 2035, the number of motor vehicles and mobility indices in the ASEAN region, China and India will all at least double by 2012 levels. In many countries, the growth rate of motor vehicles exceeds the growth rate of GDP. UN-HABITAT said that building safe and aesthetically pleasing non-motorized transport facilities and integrating non-motorized transport with public transport will be beneficial to economic and social development and can have a huge impact with relatively low investment. The book is extensive with experts