随着初中教育的普及,差生比例有所提高。因此,在初中数学教学中,全面考察、研究差生的思维特征和心理特征,有针对性地调整教学结构,提高差生的数学成绩,防止两极分化迫在眉捷。本文仅就差生思维的方式方法及教学谈几点体会和看法,与教师们商榷。 一、针对“表象模糊,思维点状”的特征,把好“具体”到“抽象”的过渡关。
With the spread of junior high school education, the proportion of poor students has increased. Therefore, in the mathematics teaching of junior high school, comprehensively examines and studies the thinking characteristics and psychological characteristics of poor students, adjusts the teaching structure in a targeted manner, raises the mathematics achievement of poor students, and prevents the polarization from becoming imminent. This article only discusses several ways of thinking and teaching about poor thinking methods and teaching, and discusses with teachers. First, aiming at the characteristics of “fuzziness, thinking and punctuation”, the transition from “concrete” to “abstract” is closed.