《红楼梦》这部中国文学史上最伟大的现实主义作品,是我国各族人民引以为骄傲的共同的文化财富。在二百多年渊远流长的《红楼梦》研究史上,有蒙古族评论家哈斯宝写下的灿烂的一页。让我们将此页打开,领略一下其中的内涵与风采。 一、哈斯宝的思想观 哈斯宝,嘉庆道光时代卓索图盟人,自号“施乐斋主人”、“耽墨子”。他在19世纪上半叶将一百二十回本的《红楼梦》节译为四十回本,取名《新译红楼梦》,其中,除了译文外,还包括“序”、“读法”、
A Dream of Red Mansions, the greatest piece of realism in the history of Chinese literature, is a common cultural asset that our people of all ethnic groups are proud of. In the history of more than two hundred years, the long history of “Dream of Red Mansions”, Mongolian critic Hasbro wrote a brilliant page. Let’s open this page to take a look at the connotation and style. First, the concept of Hasselblad Hasbro, Jiaqing Daoguodou alliance era, since the number “Xerox vegetarian master”, “delay Mo.” In the first half of the 19th century, he translated 120 editions of the “Dream of Red Mansions” into 40 chapters, titled “New Dream of Red Mansions”, among which not only translations but also “prefaces” and “reading laws” ,