亚特兰大市是乔治亚州的第一大城市,也是著名建筑师、房地产开发商约翰·波特曼(John Ponman)的大本营,现代酒店设计的发源地。座落在市中央的桃树中心是波特曼的成名作品,也是我们美国之行的一个重点调研项目。 沿着华灯初上的州际公路,我们远远的就发现了该城的标志——桃树广场酒店。73层高的金色玻璃圆筒幕墙,映着紫红色晚霞,雍容而华贵。 汽车缓缓驶入了市中心区,不知何故,今晚城里特别热闹,到处有交通管制,人们成群结队地走动,四周不时传来像从地底发出的敞蓬汽车的超重低音音乐,在一串串马蹄和铃铛声中,马车夫热情地向游人们打着招呼,整个城市就象过节一样。兴奋的我们很快就到了桃树广场酒店门前。没有让人拘紧不安的门卫,周围各种肤色的人们若无其视地进进出出。我们自己拎着行李箱,径直来到了柜台前。
Atlanta is the largest city in Georgia and is home to the famous architect and real estate developer John Ponman, the birthplace of modern hotel design. Located in the center of the city, the peach tree center is a famous work of Portman and a key research project for our trip to the United States. Along the interstate highway at the beginning of the Chinese Lantern Festival, we discovered the landmark of the city—Peachtree Plaza Hotel. The 73-story gold-colored glass cylinder wall reflects the purplish sunset and is graceful and luxurious. The car slowly enters the downtown area. Somehow, the city is particularly lively tonight. There are traffic restrictions everywhere. People are walking in droves. From time to time, there is super bass music like a convertible car from the ground. In the string of horseshoe and bells, the coachman greeted the visitors enthusiastically. The entire city was like a holiday. Excited, we soon arrived at Peachtree Plaza Hotel. There are no unguarded guards, and people of all colors around enter and exit without any regard. We took our suitcases and went straight to the counter.