An Overview of the Inductive Approach Using in English Grammar Teaching

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  This lesson plan focuses on passive voice and is designed for first grade students between 15 to 16 years old at senior high school in China. This essay will analyze the formation on the passive voice, as well as the usage and the errors. Secondly, I will briefly introduce my learners. Thirdly, it will discuss the inductive approach, the gap filling task and the writing task, which I chose to motivate my students to learn the passive voice well. Finally, it will mention about the learners’ errors in my lesson plan.
  Analysis of the language point concerned
  Swan (2005) explains that ‘when A does something to B, there are often two ways to talk about it. If we want B to be the subject, we use: was built, is spoken, is being repaired, will be changed.’ Swan also points out that the subject of an active is not always expressed in the corresponding passive sentence. In this case, it usually happens in an expression with by and the noun is called the ‘agent’. According to Hewings (1999), we know that changing an active into a passive sentence involves move the object of the active sentence into the subject position in the passive sentence, and changing the main verb into the past participle form, preceded by the auxiliary be. A third step is optional, and may be left out if you wish, and that is to take the original subject of the active sentence and moving it to a position after the verb, preceded by the preposition by. The following example illustrates both possibilities: 1. ACTIVE: The earthquake destroyed the whole village. 2. PASSIVE: The whole village was destroyed. 3. PASSIVE: The whole village was destroyed by the earthquake.
  Also, there are three major uses of passive: to say what has happened, to avoid mentioning the agent, to conform to normal English discourse (Penston, 2005). Some examples are presented below, respectively.
  1. To say what has happened to something/someone
  The society was founded in 1946 by Roland Berrill and Lancelot Ware.
  2. To avoid mentioning the agent, who is not required to be or cannot be made know
  It was originally known as the High IQ Society.
  3. To conform to normal English discourse, keep the ‘topic’ at the front of the sentence and the new information in the predicate.
  Roland Berrill played a lousy game…in the end they were crucified (by Lancelot Ware). (Compare: Lancelot Ware wanted revenge… in short, they crucified Roland Berrill.)   Aitken (2002) explains several errors in passive voice mainly about the form, spelling, punctuation, meaning and function problems. For Chinese students, the main reason of which is that Chinese and English belong to two different language systems. English Verbs have different forms in active voice and passive voice; unfortunately in Chinese verbs do not have any changes in different voices and tenses. While acquiring English passive voice, Chinese students will make errors because of the differences between the two kinds of languages. Although it seems to use passive voice better, while in Chinese still use the active voice instead of them. If you think about it, Chinese do not really have a ‘passive voice’. This is shown by the following examples from Chinese:
  1. fan zhu hao le (饭煮好了= ‘rice cook already’ instead of ‘rice had already been cooked’ )
  2. xin xie hao le (信写好了= ‘letter write already’ instead of ‘letter had already been written’)
  3. shu mai wan le (书卖完了= ‘book sell out already’ instead of ‘book had already been sold out’)
  On the surface, these Chinese sentences look just like ‘active’ sentences, because the verbs are in exactly the same form. But there are two major differences between English and Chinese that you should notice by comparing the above sentences with their English equivalents.
  In fact, problems also arising from the formation of past participle or from the tenses of to be may be transferred to the passive (Swan
【摘要】本文以一節中职单招英语交际口语复习课市级公开课为例,从任务型情景的创设,学案导学课堂教学模式的选择,教学资源的利用,多种激励机制的进入,多元评价模式,课外作业形式等方面对如何上好中职单招英语复习课进行分析。  【关键词】中职单招英语 职场交际口语 复习课 课堂教学  一、导学案课堂教学模式的选择和应用  我的公开课课题选自凤凰英语出版的《英语》Book Ⅲ,Unit3 Listening
【摘要】在学习英语时,听英文歌曲能帮助培养学生的健康情感和协作精神,促进学生的自我表达,开发学生的创新思维和创新能力等都是具有非常重要的作用。  【关键词】英文歌曲 培养语感 有助学习  英语是一门语言,它是一种工具——众所周知,其实,同时,它也是一种艺术。无论是从它抑扬顿挫和连贯的发音,还是那丰富的词汇,清晰的结构,还是那准确的表达能力,英文都充分的显示了其世界第一通用语言的优势和特点。  记得
【摘要】长久以来,英语教师课时紧任务重的矛盾使“教材整合”作为中学英语教学中的热点和难点受到了众多专家学者以及一线教师的关注。牛津英语教材改编成9年制义务教育初中英语教材使得这个矛盾更加突显。本文以牛津教材改版后的初中英语八年级上册为例,探讨了初中英语教材有效整合的策略。  【关键词】初中 英语教材 整合 策略  2012年起牛津英语教材在进行一次较大的调整后成为9年制义务教育初中英语教材。调整后
【摘要】本文着力于研究严峻的就业形势下应用技术大学商务英语专业人才培养模式并提出改革措施,希望对提升新建应用型本科院校毕业生的职业竞争力并缩小与其他学校毕业生的差距有一定帮助。  【关键词】商务英语 应用技术大学 就业  随着改革开放的不断深入和推进,以及中国加入世界贸易组织,中国与世界各国的经济往来和贸易日益频繁,英语作为一门最广泛应用的国际语言,掌握和精通英语的重要性和必要性已不言而喻。时代的
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【摘要】新课程实施后,如何体现学生的的主人地位及语文课堂教学的和谐,成了众多教育者研究的课题。我认为应从改革课堂教学入手,打破沉闷的课堂气氛和提高学生的学习兴趣方面入手,努力做到教学过程、学习内容、学习方式、师生关系的和谐,使课堂真正成为学生学习的乐园。  【关键词】语文 课堂 和谐  和谐,不仅是时代的的追求,也是教育的追求。实现和谐教育的关键是构建和谐高效的课堂。作为一名小学语文教师,在语文课
【摘要】老师们都有一个共同的疑问:有些题做过多次讲过多次但仍错呢?这说明学生存在知识盲点有漏洞。那么如何有效提高学生的答题率呢?笔者通过自己的实践经验,发现错题集在小学英语学习中能直接查漏补缺,有效提高学生学习自主性、自我反思能力。  【关键词】错题集 小学英语学习  做错题在所难免,但如何对待错题并改正,就因人而异,所以造成的学习效果也不同的。错题是很好的教学资源,也是很好的学习材料,应该好好利