The Advantages of Football

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  【Abstract】Football is a kind of sports, which plays an important role in promoting the healthy growth of teenagers. It can also strengthen the psychological quality of teenagers and promote intellectual development of teenagers. After consulting relevant materials, this paper lists the benefits of football, hoping that football can be popularized more.
  【Key Words】football; advantage; teenager
  As we all know, football is a kind of sports which can strengthen the body and make our lives more interesting. And, football has a long history in China, dating back to Song dynasty. In the Song dynasty, football was called Cuju, and later spread to Europe by Arabs, it developed into modern football. As a high school student, I also like football very much. Next, I will list several benefits of football.
  1. Football can exercise the physical function of teenagers
  Football is an efficient energy-consuming sport. Teenagers need to drive their whole body when playing football. They need to keep running and jumping. And, they also need to make sure their eyes follow the ball. Therefore, their leg muscles are exercised in constant running and jumping. They have good eyesight because they look far away and have frequent eye movements (Gan 79). Besides, regular participation in football can promote the growth and development of young bones and promote the development of height. It can also increase bone density. According to scientific measurement , the muscle weight of the average teenagers accounts for about 40% of the body weight, while the muscle weight of the teenagers who take part in physical exercises regularly reaches 45% to 50% of the body weight, far exceeding the average teenager.
  2. Football can promote intellectual development of teenagers
  Football is not only a sport, but also an intellectual game. Football players need to keep a cool head and observe the changes on the field carefully in order to win the game. Thus, football can train teenagers’ ability of reaction and improvisation. In order to get the ball into the goal, the footballer also needs to calculate the angle of the shot and make a detailed plan. Meanwhile, football players need to change their movements according to the situation. They need to run and stop at top speed. They also need to change direction and opportunity depending on the situation on the field. In these cases, the athletes’ nervous system is very active. After long-term training, the athletes’ central nervous system has been improved. They can think carefully and quickly.   3. Football can strengthen the psychological quality of teenagers
  In football field, to win, you need not only your own skills, but also the close cooperation between your teammates. So, as a kind of collective sports, football can also cultivate the solidarity and cooperation ability of teenagers (Li 186). Besides, failure is not uncommon in the football field. Footballers should learn how to face adversity and try to win the game. Regular participation in football games can help teenagers to exercise their mental quality and help them grow up healthily. Football is full of passion and charm. On the football field, every time an athlete scores a goal, there are cheers and screams. So, playing football regularly can enhance teenagers’ confidence. Besides, football is popular all over the world. The world regularly hosts big events and matches in football, such as the World Cup. In the World Cup, the football player’s victory represents the national honor. Therefore, football helps to inspire people’s enterprising spirit and patriotism.
  4. Football can help teenagers relieve their pressure
  In daily life, teenagers often face various kinds of pressure from study and life. If the stress is not released, it will affect the physical and mental health of adolescents. Football provides a good outlet for teenagers. By sweating on the football field, all the bad feelings will evaporate with the sweat. It is a healthy way to vent teenager’s stress through football, which will neither affect others nor adversely affect teenagers.
  5. Conclusion
  In a word, football can cultivate the interest of teenagers and enhance their psychological quality. Football can also stimulate and exercise the nervous system and body function of teenagers. By taking part in football games, teenagers can vent their bad feelings and relieve the pressure in their daily life and study.
  [1]Gan xiaoyi.The influence of football on the growth of middle school students[J].Teaching materials in primary and secondary schools,2016(11):78-80.
【摘要】小学英语教学的任务是激发和培养学生的学习兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习能力和合作精神;使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和听、说、读、写技能,形成一定的综合语言运用能力,为进一步学习英语打下基础。在这些基础训练中,其中书写技能是这些技能中的重要技能之一。  【关键词】小学生;英语书写;技能  【作者简介】马廷芬,广东省惠州市惠城区芦岚中心小学。  儿
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