摘 要: 在英语文学文体中,特别是诗歌小说中,为了达到某种特殊的文学效果,词语搭配往往有变异。本文从矛盾、共轭、移就三种修辞手段的角度来分析英语文学文体中词语搭配变异的现象。
关键词: 英语文学文体 词语搭配 变异
在英语词汇学中,词语的搭配往往有其常规。如:我们可以说a warm-hearted person,却不说a warm-hearted table;可以说a lazy boy,却不说a lazy room;可以说to close the window,却不说to close the light。然而,在文学文体中,特别是诗歌小说中,为了创造某种形象,达到“突出”的目的,作家往往通过矛盾、移就、共轭等修辞手段使词语搭配产生变异。
①Adj. Noun.creative destruction,living death,tearful joy,etc.
②Adj. Adj.cold pleasant,sour sweet,poor rich,etc.
③Adv. Adj.dully bright,mercifully fatal,falsely true,etc.
④Verb. Adv.hasten slowly,shine darkly,groan loudly,etc.
⑤Noun. Noun.love-hate(relationship),the sound of silence,etc.
Juliet: O serpent heart,hid with a flow’ring face!
Did ever dragon keep so fair a cave?
Beautiful tyrant!Fiend angelical!
Dove-feather’d raven!Wolfish-ravening lamb!
Despised substance of divinest show!
Just opposite to what thou justly seem’st.
A damned saint,an honorable villain!
(William Shakespeare)
细读这段独白,不难发现莎士比亚采用了一系列的矛盾修辞手段,主要结构形式为:Adj. Noun.如:beautiful tyrant,dove-feather’d raven,wolfish-ravening lamb,damned saint,honorable villain。另外还有一种特殊的结构形式:Noun. Adj.(fiend angelical),这一系列的矛盾修辞深刻揭示了Juliet在听说Romeo杀死Tybalt后矛盾的内心世界。
①One Verb Two(or more)Objects
Side by side for seven years we had mined,ranched,sold patent chums,herded sheep,took photographs and other things,built wire fences and picked prunes.
这里took所支配的两个宾语photographs和other things,前一个为正常搭配,后一个则利用词语顺势牵来的独特搭配方式使文章语言深刻、简练。若用别的词语具体解释,整个句子就累赘多了。
②One Prep. Two(or more) Objects
Miss Bolo rose from the table considerably agitated,and went straight home in a flood of tears and a sedan chair.
介词in既支配a flood of tears又可支配a sedan chair,产生“泪如泉涌”“坐轿”两层意思,收到了幽默诙谐的效果。
③Two Subjects One Verb
Ten minutes later, the coffee and Commander Dana of Naval Intelligence arrived simultaneously.
the coffee与Commander Dana都和arrived发生搭配关系,这种排列新奇、别致,暗示“同时到达”。
英谚“Kill two birds with one stone.”在共轭这种变异的词语搭配形式中得到了充分的体现。乍看上去,共轭搭配常给人一种不协调感,但稍加思索便会感到格外幽默、俏皮,并由此产生一种耐人寻味的逻辑力量。
3.转移修辞(Transferred epithet)
英文中的转移修辞大致相当于汉语移就格,指用表示性质或特征的词来修饰不同属性的中心词,使词语搭配产生变异,意义凸显。其结构为:转移修饰语 中心语。转移修饰语可以是形容词、现在分词、过去分词、名词,其中以形容词的转移最为常见。
She was so worried about her son that she spent several sleepless nights.
The boy said “yes” to the question in unthinking moment.
He shouted a cry of displeasure.
Ten she fainted. By the light of a frightened candle, she was carried to a cot.
上面四句中的sleepless,unthinking,displeasure, frightened从结构上看分别修饰nights,moment,cry,candle,但从语义逻辑上看分别修饰she,the boy,he和“扶她进屋的人(例句4)”
The assistant kept a respectful distance from his boss when they were walking in the corridor.(形容词修饰语前置)
He was waken by a deafening roll of a thunder.(短语修饰语前置)
The letters,sad and reproachful,offerthe choice of pleading ignorance or being proved insensitive(短语修饰语后置)
The curfew tolls the knell of parting day,
The lowing herd winds slowly o’er the lea,
The ploughman homeward plods his weary way,
And leaves the world to darkness and to me.
(Thomas Gray)
parting day使人联想到“日落西山,夜幕降临”的景象,weary way可使人对ploughman产生形象性的联想,这样的转移修饰无疑能增强语言的表现力。又如:
Indeed they seemed to know,or to wise to know,as little about that as the earth itself which,beautiful there at any time, seemed that afternoon wear an extreme and pathetic beauty.
(Authur Glutton-Brock)
[2]冯翠华.English Rhetorical Option——A Handbook of English Rhetorical Devices[M].外语教学出版社,1995.
[3]黄伟新.Paul Livesey: An Introduction to English Stylish Stylistics and Rhetoric for Chinese Learners[M].警官教育出版社,1998.
关键词: 英语文学文体 词语搭配 变异
在英语词汇学中,词语的搭配往往有其常规。如:我们可以说a warm-hearted person,却不说a warm-hearted table;可以说a lazy boy,却不说a lazy room;可以说to close the window,却不说to close the light。然而,在文学文体中,特别是诗歌小说中,为了创造某种形象,达到“突出”的目的,作家往往通过矛盾、移就、共轭等修辞手段使词语搭配产生变异。
①Adj. Noun.creative destruction,living death,tearful joy,etc.
②Adj. Adj.cold pleasant,sour sweet,poor rich,etc.
③Adv. Adj.dully bright,mercifully fatal,falsely true,etc.
④Verb. Adv.hasten slowly,shine darkly,groan loudly,etc.
⑤Noun. Noun.love-hate(relationship),the sound of silence,etc.
Juliet: O serpent heart,hid with a flow’ring face!
Did ever dragon keep so fair a cave?
Beautiful tyrant!Fiend angelical!
Dove-feather’d raven!Wolfish-ravening lamb!
Despised substance of divinest show!
Just opposite to what thou justly seem’st.
A damned saint,an honorable villain!
(William Shakespeare)
细读这段独白,不难发现莎士比亚采用了一系列的矛盾修辞手段,主要结构形式为:Adj. Noun.如:beautiful tyrant,dove-feather’d raven,wolfish-ravening lamb,damned saint,honorable villain。另外还有一种特殊的结构形式:Noun. Adj.(fiend angelical),这一系列的矛盾修辞深刻揭示了Juliet在听说Romeo杀死Tybalt后矛盾的内心世界。
①One Verb Two(or more)Objects
Side by side for seven years we had mined,ranched,sold patent chums,herded sheep,took photographs and other things,built wire fences and picked prunes.
这里took所支配的两个宾语photographs和other things,前一个为正常搭配,后一个则利用词语顺势牵来的独特搭配方式使文章语言深刻、简练。若用别的词语具体解释,整个句子就累赘多了。
②One Prep. Two(or more) Objects
Miss Bolo rose from the table considerably agitated,and went straight home in a flood of tears and a sedan chair.
介词in既支配a flood of tears又可支配a sedan chair,产生“泪如泉涌”“坐轿”两层意思,收到了幽默诙谐的效果。
③Two Subjects One Verb
Ten minutes later, the coffee and Commander Dana of Naval Intelligence arrived simultaneously.
the coffee与Commander Dana都和arrived发生搭配关系,这种排列新奇、别致,暗示“同时到达”。
英谚“Kill two birds with one stone.”在共轭这种变异的词语搭配形式中得到了充分的体现。乍看上去,共轭搭配常给人一种不协调感,但稍加思索便会感到格外幽默、俏皮,并由此产生一种耐人寻味的逻辑力量。
3.转移修辞(Transferred epithet)
英文中的转移修辞大致相当于汉语移就格,指用表示性质或特征的词来修饰不同属性的中心词,使词语搭配产生变异,意义凸显。其结构为:转移修饰语 中心语。转移修饰语可以是形容词、现在分词、过去分词、名词,其中以形容词的转移最为常见。
She was so worried about her son that she spent several sleepless nights.
The boy said “yes” to the question in unthinking moment.
He shouted a cry of displeasure.
Ten she fainted. By the light of a frightened candle, she was carried to a cot.
上面四句中的sleepless,unthinking,displeasure, frightened从结构上看分别修饰nights,moment,cry,candle,但从语义逻辑上看分别修饰she,the boy,he和“扶她进屋的人(例句4)”
The assistant kept a respectful distance from his boss when they were walking in the corridor.(形容词修饰语前置)
He was waken by a deafening roll of a thunder.(短语修饰语前置)
The letters,sad and reproachful,offerthe choice of pleading ignorance or being proved insensitive(短语修饰语后置)
The curfew tolls the knell of parting day,
The lowing herd winds slowly o’er the lea,
The ploughman homeward plods his weary way,
And leaves the world to darkness and to me.
(Thomas Gray)
parting day使人联想到“日落西山,夜幕降临”的景象,weary way可使人对ploughman产生形象性的联想,这样的转移修饰无疑能增强语言的表现力。又如:
Indeed they seemed to know,or to wise to know,as little about that as the earth itself which,beautiful there at any time, seemed that afternoon wear an extreme and pathetic beauty.
(Authur Glutton-Brock)
[2]冯翠华.English Rhetorical Option——A Handbook of English Rhetorical Devices[M].外语教学出版社,1995.
[3]黄伟新.Paul Livesey: An Introduction to English Stylish Stylistics and Rhetoric for Chinese Learners[M].警官教育出版社,1998.