The Influence of Network English Vocabularyon College Students’Writing

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  Abstract:The growth of network changed our way of life and it has become an indispensable communicating measure in our daily life.As a popular media the special language demands people to communicate with others with a more convenient way.The purpose is to make more high school students can have a comprehensive understanding to the language and help them to improve their English communication skills.Network language will continue to be developed and renewed,so for its development,an updated and detailed in-depth discussion is needed.
  Key words:network language vocabulary;writing of college school students;positive impacts;negative impact
  1 Definition
  Network language is language that appears and used on the internet.Web language is a kind of language form with a unique style,which can be divided into three categories:the first is related to network of professional terms.The second type is special terms The third kind is the words and symbols used commonly by the internet clients and BBS.
  2 Combination of Network Vocabulary
  Vocabulary as an open system is the most sensitive part in language with the development of media and social life rhythm.Letters,figures,punctuation,symbols can be used as materials of communicating.The form is rich and colorful and shows the traits of word-formation.
  2.1 Acronyms
  English acronym is the most important way of word formation in today’s network.In the network language,words and phrases can all have their form of acronym.It can make the network language more convenient to use and can transfer information in the shortest time by using an acronym word-formation.The patchwork words,which are the clipping of two original words and choose one of the first or the last part of words then into new words.Such as netizen(net citizen),sysop(system operator).
  2.2 Compounding
  Compounding as a way word-formation is productive.The compound words are combined of two totally different morphemes.In a word,it refers to those words that consisted of morphemes with two or three lexical meaning.The word online is often used as a noun or an adjective like online name,online friend and so on.
  Another word-formation is called derivation that is made through adding the affixes to some other words and morphemes.There are three kinds of affixes as the following:Prefixation is one way of word-formation by adding the roots before words then new words are coming.Words like cyberculture,cybercrime.   3 Research Design
  After a brief introduction of web English in the above chapters.This chapter turns to a literature review method and a questionnaire method to prove my view.
  Analysis and Discussion:
  In ensure the authenticity,the reliability and the scientific of the data,in the feedback of 81% of the questionnaire,the unregulated parts are excluded.
  Table3-1 the Reason for the Formation of the Network English Vocabulary
  4 Conclusion
  This paper provides a new branch of language called network language.The study of this thesis has created a new branch of language which is usually used on the internet.After discussions of its definition,combinations,features and effects on English learning,then a brief knowledge about network language can be concluded.All these descriptions make a contribution to the knowledge of web language.For some linguists,these new created words can be regarded as a deviation of standard vocabulary.So in other words,it is a sign of the development of the special language.
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摘 要: 小学数学教师应当积极更新自身的教育教学理念,尽量运用多种教学策略与方式方法,这既是顺应数学新课改发展趋势的必然要求,更是切实促进学生批判性思维得到显著进步与发展的有效措施。  关键词: 小学数学 批判性思维 培养策略 探究学习  批判性思维,即是指学习者在学习过程中对已生成的内容、结果等进行全方位、多角度创造性思考的一种思维方式。其同其他思维方式最大的不同在于敢于质疑、敢于大胆发表自身的
摘 要: 教学不仅是一门技术,而且是一门艺术,尤其对小学教育来讲,更是如此。我国实施九年义务教育,从某种意义上来讲,小学教育不存在升学压力,理应轻松一些,但事实并非如此。尽管我们不用为升学率担心,但是我们担负着为中学教育输送合格学生的重任。因此,搞好小学教育是每个小学教师经常思考的问题。  关键词: 倾听 思考 数学教学  教学不仅是一门技术,而且是一门艺术,尤其对小学教育来讲,更是如此。有人可能
目的: 采用支气管纤维镜技术从CPB术后患者肺中获取BALF样本,比较血浆和BALF中炎性因子的变化情况,并观察肺功能的变化,研究乌司他丁对CPB肺损伤的保护作用。 方法:中南大学湘
摘 要: 打造高效课堂,应切实贯彻以学生为主体、以教师为主导、以培养学生诸多能力为核心的教学原则。教师扮演好导引角色,切忌在讲课中大包大揽,应把探索知识的时间留给学生,让他们在独自探索和与同伴合作探索的过程中发现知识、理解规律、掌握方法和解决问题。  关键词: 小学数学 学习兴趣 高效课堂  随着新课程改革的深入开展,每一个坚守在一线的数学教师都面临着新形势、新课标、新理念对课堂教学提出的新要求。
摘 要: 新课程教材要求学生掌握必要的基础知识,具有一定的计算能力,以及解决生活实际问题的能力。培养学生计算能力是小学数学教学的一项重要任务。计算能力的提高,不仅需要教师从教材的特点出发,而且要培养学生的计算兴趣,使其养成良好的计算习惯,注重练习形式和反思,这些应该贯穿整个小学数学教学的全过程。  关键词: 计算能力 学习兴趣 计算习惯 算理 口算训练  计算能力的培养是小学数学教学的一项重要任务
摘 要: 随着教育教学的快速发展,作业在教学过程中受到了越来越多人的肯定。教师通过科学设计作业形式,有效进行作业评价,能够快速提高学生的数学能力,保证数学教学效率。但是当前,在小学数学作业设计和评价过程中还存在一定的问题,例如作业“一刀切”的情况,这样就会大大影响教学效率。本文通过对当前小学数学作业分层设计和评价存在的问题进行分析,提出了有效的分层设计和评价小学数学作业的策略,旨在能够有效提高小学