互联网在我国的迅速发展,对人们的生活方式,工作方式,学习方式和思维方式正产生着广泛而又深刻的影响,使思想政治工作既面临新的发展机遇,也面临严峻挑战。 首先,网络发展加大了我们抵御不良文化渗透的难度。被称为“第四媒体”的互联网因其特有的快捷性、交互性、开放性等特点而深受大众喜爱,越来越成为大众传媒的主流,只要掌握了网络,在很大程度上就等于掌握了信息传媒的命脉,正如托夫勒所预言的那样:“谁掌握了信息,控制了网络,谁就将拥有整个世界。”因此,互联网也就成了西方资本
The rapid development of the Internet in our country has a broad and profound impact on people’s way of life, working methods, learning methods and ways of thinking, and ideological and political work faces both new opportunities for development and severe challenges. First of all, the development of the Internet has made it more difficult for us to resist the adverse cultural infiltration. The Internet, known as the “fourth media,” has become popular among the mass media because of its unique features such as quickness, interaction and openness. It has become the mainstream of the mass media. As long as the network is mastered, Equals the lifeblood of the information media, as Toffler predicts: “Whoever has the information and control of the Internet will have the whole world.” So the Internet has also become the capital of the West