九年义务教育三年制初中化学教材(简称新教材)与原初中化学教材(简称老教材)实验数量对比见附表。 附表 新老教材实验数量对比 演示实验 分组实验 选做实验 家庭小实验 新教材 85 1O 9 17 老教材 77 8 4 0 从新老教材实验内容及数量对比情况可以看出,新教材实验教学的特点以及今后实验教学发展的方向。
The nine-year compulsory education three-year junior high school chemistry textbook (abbreviated as the new textbook) and the original junior middle school chemistry textbook (abbreviated as the old textbook) are compared in the number of experiments. New and old teaching materials of the Schedule Comparison of experimental demonstrations Experimental grouping experiments Selected experimental family experiments New teaching materials 85 1O 9 17 Old teaching materials 77 8 4 0 From the comparison of experimental content and quantity of old and new teaching materials, we can see the characteristics of experimental teaching of new teaching materials. And the direction of future experimental teaching development.