A method of multichannel chaotic phase modulation spread spectrum and its application in underwater

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Direct-sequence spread spectrum(DSSS) communication possesses low probability of detection and has been widely used in confidential communications.However,pseudo-noise(PN) sequences,used as spreading code in conventional DSSS communications,possess periodic character and binary value.In hostile environments,these distinct characters may lead to some important parameters of signals being estimated accurately,and then lead to the leakage of transmitted information.To solve the problem,we propose the chaotic phase modulation(CPM) sequence alternating the PN sequences.CPM sequence has complex values and constant envelope,and also possesses large quantity and good correlation characteristics.Moreover,it has more hidden features than conventional sequences by modulating its phases using chaotic sequence.To improve the data rate,we apply it into the technique of multichannel communication.Simulation results show this scheme’s superior bit error ratio(BER) performance,which demonstrates its feasibility in underwater acoustic communications. Direct-sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) communication possesses low probability of detection and has been widely used in confidential communications. Coast, pseudo-noise (PN) sequences, used as spreading code in conventional DSSS communications, possessed periodic character and binary value. hostile environments, these distinct characters may lead to some important parameters of signals being estimated accurately, and then lead to the leakage of transmitted information. solve the problem, we propose the chaotic phase modulation (CPM) sequence alternating the PN sequences. CPM sequence has complex values ​​and constant envelope, and also possesses large quantity and good correlation characteristics. Moreover, it has more hidden features than conventional sequences by modulating its phases using chaotic sequence. To improve the data rate, we apply it into the technique of multichannel communication .Simulation results show this scheme’s superior bit error ratio (BER) performance, which demonstrates its fe asibility in underwater acoustic communications.
[摘要]本文对矩阵的对角占优行集合构造适当的系数,给出了一组非奇H-矩阵的新判别准则,推广和改进了已有的相关结果,并用数值算例说明这种判别准则应用的广泛性。  [关键词]非奇H-矩阵 严格对角占优矩阵 不可约 非零元素链  [中图分类号]O151.21 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1009-5349(2014)07-0037-02  非奇H-矩阵是在数值分析、矩阵理论、控制论等众多领域有着重要应
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