Study on improving teaching methods of English reading course in higher vocational college

来源 :校园英语·月末 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaoyu_hit
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  【Abstract】Reading is important way for English learners to input knowledge and enhance cross cultural awareness, especially in vocational college. Due to the traditional teaching methods and the preconceived ideas about vocational education, the performance of English reading course is not optimistic. In this thesis, the author plans to put forward several suggestions on improving teaching methods.
  【Key words】reading course; teaching methods; vocational education
  1. Introduction
  As the State Council released“National plan for the implementation of vocational education reform”, it signals vocational education plays an important role in talents cultivation. it is urgent for teachers to adjust teaching methods and find the exact way to have students participate in reading course fully.
  2. Problems existed in reading course
  2.1 “Cramming”teaching limits students’subjective initiative
  In traditional reading class, teacher plays the leading role while students wait for knowledge. Teaching activities for students include reading in a certain time, completing questions. Teacher focuses on passage translation, grammar and new words explanation. This exam-based, teacher-centered teaching method outputs a lot of information but cannot mobilize students’ enthusiasm.
  2.2 Reading materials beyond interests and ability of students
  During teaching practice, the author finds that some reading materials selected in the textbooks are outdated and monotonous. Some of the topics in the textbooks are in no correlation with students’ daily life, thus students are forced to read only for completing questions attached to the passage. Some of the materials are too professional and beyond the ability of them.
  2.3 lack of background culture weakening faithful reading
  Chinese and English are two different languages, behind the languages are the huge cultural diversifies. Culture has a large range including history, customs and so on. Because of such differences, English learners feel confused to understand non-native language, these also become the obstacles in reading comprehension.
  3. Strategies on improving teaching methods
  3.1 designing versatile activities
  Students-centered means to motivate students’ subjective initiative. Firstly, teacher should focus more on the provoking contents which enable students think and find answers by themselves. The sense of accomplishment can stimulate interests and initiatives mostly. Secondly, teacher can bring situational teaching to class. Students can immerse in the passage, learn from the first-person perspective. This makes them understand the passage deeper and actively.
【摘要】大数据时代是一个海量资料充斥的时代,是一个高速、多样信息资源以不同形式展示的时代。而这一时代必定对高中英语写作产生大的冲击,与此同时,英语写作教学改革势在必行。大数据时代促使英语写作教学发生巨大转变,教师如何“趋其利避其害”,让大数据时代更好地服务教学十分重要。本文基于此对高中英语写作教学改革进行探讨,以飨读者。  【关键词】大数据时代;高中英语;写作教学;改革  互联网的飞速发展让人类加
【摘要】大学英语课堂中的思辨能力培养是指教学中,通过直接或间接方式的学习,实现与大学英语教学目标相适应的思辨能力培养。如何在课堂上运用好过程式、任务式、项目式以及合作学习方法的有机结合,促使更多学生进行批判性思考,培养出更多具有创新思维的优秀人才已经成为我们大学英语教育工作者们注重思考和探究的目标和方向。  【关键词】大学英语;创新;思辨能力  【作者简介】张楠(1978.09-),女,汉族,山东
【摘要】随着数字环境的发展,越来越多的学生通过微信平台进行英语翻译学习。本文通过探讨微信在英语翻译教学中起到的积极影响,从而引发对于大数据背景下的新型教学方式的思考,旨在为学生的英语翻译学习创造更好的学习环境。微信对于英语翻译教学产生了不可代替的影响,数字环境下的翻译教学研究具有较大的实践意义。  【关键词】微信;英语;翻译教学  【作者简介】周雪婷(1971-),女,汉族,湖南长沙人,长沙理工大
【摘要】高中英语是学生学习的重要科目,更是培养国际型人才、复合型人才的一种路径,因此在英语教学过程中更需要关注写作教学,这是对学生英语表达能力英语思维的一种考察。但是当前很多教师对于英语写作教学还存在一定的困惑,学生此部分的学习效果差强人意。基于此本文就需要对高中英语写作过程中如何提升课堂有效性做出分析研究,更希望能够更好的增强英语教学的质量,希望可以给相关工作人员带去一定的建议和启示。  【关键
【摘要】并购合同,作为重要的法律文本之一,涉及的法律概念和术语繁杂多样。与其他种类的文本不同,法律文本有自己独特的语言特点,需要遵守特殊的翻译原则。本文参照“法律交流三原则”,通过分析实际案例及翻译方法,探讨并购合同的汉译方法。  【关键词】并购合同;法律交流三原则;翻译方法  【作者简介】王晔(1988.03.06-),女,汉族,河南清丰人,河北师范大学外国语学院,讲师, 硕士,研究方向:英汉口
【摘要】很多西方语言具有直线性、分析性的特点,它们的逻辑就会有分散性,就像我们学习的外语课程,它也有框架结构的特点。所以,在学习外语或者接受外语教程时,通过思维导图手段可以有效的解决生活和学习中的很多问题。  【关键词】思维导图;初中英语;词汇教学  【作者简介】郭汝农,山东省淄博市桓台县起凤中学。  引言  思维导图存在以后,受到了大多数人的喜爱,被用到学习、工作和生活的各个方面,它也可以说是一
【摘要】在英美文学的舞台上,有一部以救赎为主题的作品熠熠生辉——霍桑《红字》。其以基督教的赎罪为原型,创造了带有悲剧牺牲与崛起意味的灵魂救赎故事。而这部分著作也无不渗透着作者霍桑的哲学思想。与黑格尔的辩证法、查尔斯·桑德斯·皮尔士的实用哲学观有相同之处。而哲学思想体现在文中的清教批判反思,女性自由主义、超验与反超验三个方面。本文主要基于这三个方面进行作品哲学思想的解读。  【关键词】《红字》;霍桑
【摘要】目前,中职学生的大部分英语作业依旧停留在知识再现的范畴内,这也难以让他们本身对学习产生兴趣,最终限制了他们的活动空间,更加重要的是学生难以得到自我发展,使学生对英语学习、英语作业失去了兴趣。文章就此问题提出了实施多样化的英语作业形式,因材施教,注重作业的知识与能力的综合性,同时让作业紧密联系实际,兼顾趣味性以提高英语教学的质量。  【关键词】中职;英语课外作业;优化  【作者简介】陈晓燕,
【摘要】女性主义翻译理论是女权主义运动和翻译研究“文化转向”的结果,强调译者的主体性和对原文的重构。本文以小说《紫色》中译本为例,从女性主义翻译的视角,分析了女译者陶洁在翻译过程中女性意识的体现。  【关键词】女性主义翻译理论;《紫色》;翻译研究  【Abstract】Feminist translation theory derives from the combination of the f