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为了繁荣美术创作和活跃对综合材料绘画语言的探索,西安美院拟成立综合材料绘画学会。消息传出后,教师报名踊跃。1998年2月19日,学会筹委会在美术教育系会议室召开了第一次会议,到会共13人。大多为具有开拓精神的中青年教师。会上,筹委会主任石景昭教授宣讲了该学会的宗旨,同时介绍了国内兄弟院校开展此类活劝的初步进展及日后的发衣趋势。在谈到该学会的指平思想和面临的任务时,石景昭指出学会应以继承东方和西方两个优秀文化侍蜕为己任,涉猎中外,融汇贯通,同时积极汲取当代最新科技成果。他反复灶励大家创作出既有侍统文化内涵,又具现代品格的好作品来。筹委会秘书长黄申发教授从建立大美术的角度谈到学会日后发展的广阔前景,并就美术教育系即将招生的综合材料绘画专业的知识结构和学生综合素质的培养提出了独到的看法和新的设想。青年教师丁聪伟,龚建中就今年秋季为配合学会成立而同步举办的综合材秆绘画展览准备工作提出了很好的建议。目前镇学会的筹备工作进展顺利。 In order to prosper art creation and active exploration of comprehensive material painting language, Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts plans to set up an integrated material painting society. After the news came out, teachers sign up enthusiastically. On February 19, 1998, the Preparatory Committee of the Society held its first meeting in the conference room of the Department of Art Education, bringing a total of 13 participants. Mostly young teachers with pioneering spirit. At the meeting, Prof. Shi Jingzhao, director of the Preparatory Committee, preached the mission of the institute. At the same time, it also introduced the initial progress made by domestic universities and colleges in carrying out such activities and the trend of future development of the garments. When talking about the finger-pointing and the tasks facing the Institute, Shi Jingzhao pointed out that the Institute should inherit the two excellent cultural services from the East and the West as its own duty, study abroad and integrate with each other, and at the same time actively draw on the latest scientific and technological achievements of the time. He repeatedly inspires you to create good works that embody the cultural connotations of both traditional and traditional culture as well as modern character. Professor Huang Shenfa, secretary-general of the Preparatory Committee, talked about the broad prospects for the future development of the academy from the perspective of establishing a grand art and proposed unique views and new ideas on the knowledge structure of comprehensive majors in the Department of Art Education and the cultivation of students’ comprehensive qualifications The idea. Ding Congwei and Gong Jianzhong, young teachers, put forward very good suggestions on the preparation for the exhibition of composite material stalks and sketches to be held in conjunction with the establishment of this society this autumn. The preparation of the town association is progressing well.
美国著名翻译理论学家劳伦斯·韦努蒂(Lawrence Venuti)于1995年在《译者的隐身》中提出“异化”和“归化”两对概念。而朱自清的《荷塘月色》作为一篇典型的中国散文,作品的
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