乌拉特肋脉野豌豆(Viciacostata──Leded cv,Wulata)是内蒙古畜牧科学院草原研究所从内蒙古自治区巴彦淖尔盟乌拉特草原采集野生种,经10余年栽培驯化而成的品种。该品种分枝多,枝叶茂盛,返青早,枯黄晚,抗旱,耐瘠薄。适宜在我国北方干旱草原及荒漠草原地区推广种植,1993年全国牧草品种审定委员会审定通过,登记为野生栽培新品种。
Wulatetai (Viculaostata──Leded cv, Wulata) is a species cultivated and domesticated by Wild Grass in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Bayannur League Wulate Grassland collected by Grassland Research Institute of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region for more than 10 years. The variety of branches, lush foliage, green early return, yellow late, drought, barren. It is suitable for poplar planting in arid steppe and desert steppe areas of northern China. In 1993, the National Forage Species Approval Committee approved the registration and became a new wild cultivated variety.