20世纪二三十年代 ,西方各种史学思潮纷纷涌入中国 ,其中实证主义史学在众多昙花一现的史学流派中得以脱颖而出 ,并形成当时一股强大的史学思潮对中国近代史学发展产生深刻的影响。其主要原因是实证主义史学与中国传统史学更接近。表现在史观上 ,实证主义史学所强调的依据经验事实或史料恢复历史真相的主张 ,与乾嘉史学的“无证不信、实事求是”的精神不谋而合 ;在史学方法上 ,实证主义史学的形式逻辑和归纳演绎的方法与乾嘉史学的考据方法极为相似。因此 ,实证主义史学较其他流派更容易找到与中国文化的切合点 ,更容易被中国史家所接受并加以发扬光大 ,更易于在中国生根发芽
In the 1920s and 1930s, a great variety of historical thoughts in the West flooded into China. Among them, positivist historiography came to the fore in many short-lived historical schools and formed a powerful historical trend of thought that had a profound impact on the development of modern Chinese history. The main reason is that positivist historiography is closer to traditional Chinese history. On historical conception, the proposition of restoring the historical truth based on empirical facts or historical facts emphasized by positivist historiography coincides with the spirit of “undocumented and unbelievable, seeking truth from facts” in Qianlong and Jiaxue historiography. On the historical method, the history of positivism The formal logic and inductive deductive methods are very similar to those of Qian-Jia historiography. Therefore, positivist historiography is easier than other genres to find a match with Chinese culture, which is more likely to be accepted and carried forward by Chinese historians and easier to take root in China