Cultural Exchanges Continue in Post-Expo Era

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  The World Expo Shanghai 2010 is a brand new chapter in the history of China’s modernization. The expo is a huge stage for diverse cultures to come together. After the expo, cultural exchanges will continue in an all-round way. What China has learned from the expo as a big display stage for cultures from all over the world will help China to make new progress. Friendship, environmental protection, scientific innovation, and sustainable development will highlight the future growth of China and help the oriental country merge better with the world and make contribution to the global peace and prosperity.
  China Pavilion
  China Pavilion will continue to tower on the Huangpu River after the half-year-long expo in Shanghai comes to an end on October 31.
  It will stay for a number of very good reasons. It is China’s very first world expo in the 159-year history of the world expo and the pavilion marks this historic event.
  The pavilion signifies the Chinese culture. It looks like a crown and features the color China Red. The red represents the five-millennium Chinese civilization and highlights the reform and opening up to the outside world over the past 30 some years. Song Jianming, a professor with Hangzhou-based China Academy of Art who has specialized in coloration for nearly 30 years, remarks that China Red on the China pavilion is actually a combination of seven kinds of red. The different reds constitute a harmony but represent no uniformity. These reds signify the modern, the graceful, and the conventional. As a whole, they combine to convey typical Chinese emotions such as happiness, celebration, good luck, joy, and harmony. These emotions chime in with the world expo’s philosophy of Comprehension, Communication, Gathering and Cooperation.
  The exhibits at China Pavilion are designed to signify the beneficial relation between the Chinese culture and China’s future development. The animated Chinese masterpiece “Qingming Festival by the Riverside” and other exhibits win the applause of visitors.
  The Expo Garden
  In the Puxi section of the expo garden are a large number of old factories that were revamped for the purpose of the expo. For example, China State Shipbuilding Corporation Pavilion is housed in an old factory building of Jiangnan Shipyard founded in 1865, one of the earliest modern factories in China. A large part of the Puxi section used to be home to the earliest factories of Chinese industry. While still in the planning phase of the World Expo, the planners strove to reserve all the buildings in the site.
  After the expo, the Puxi part of the expo garden will be home to a group of museums that highlight the early growth of China’s modern industry. The Jiangnan Shipyard will become a park.
  The elevated pedestrians walk and four pavilions will stay as perpetual landmarks. The rest of the expo garden will be redesigned for further development. The garden will be taken into consideration while the city formulates its 12th Five-Year Plan and finds more uses for the site for the city’s development.
  Low-Carbon Life
  Low-carbon technology and environmental protection highlight the World Expo Shanghai 2010. These valuable concepts will be carried on in the post-expo era in China. China pavilion displays some concept cars that use wind energy and solar energy. A battery-powered car can travel 135 kilometers after one recharge. The total expo garden uses a large quantity of solar energy systems which add up to 4.5 megawatts. More than 1,000 new-energy automobiles work together as a transporting system. New energy-efficient and environmentally friendly materials are adopted in the garden. These new materials will find their way into commercial applications across the country.
  New Ideas
  In the post-expo era, exploring new concepts of urban development will continue under the influence of this expo. Exploration and discussion will deepen. Lessons and experiences will be carefully examined and studied and absorbed. Results will be applied to urban management and planning. The remaining buildings, sites and creative ideas will be part of the future of Shanghai.
  While meeting with His Majesty Letsie III of Lesotho on October 3, 2010, Shanghai Mayor Han Zheng said that the city was soliciting suggestions and advice on applying positive results of the expo to the future development of the metropolis. The mayor said the city was planning to build an expo museum to keep the best of the expo for ever.
  Before the World Expo opened its door to visitors, nobody had expected the popularity of African Joint Pavilion. By May 19, the pavilion had welcomed its 1 millionth visitor. On July 27, the pavilion had seen the arrival of its 10 millionth visitor. African Joint Pavilion keeps the expo garden’s record for the largest number of visitors for a single pavilion. By the end of the World Expo on October 31, the number will have passed 20 million.
  The joint pavilion is composed of 42 African nations and Africa League. When the members became aware of the possibility that their pavilion might be the first in the garden to receive 10 million visitors, they became excited. The 43 members organized a committee to coordinate events at the pavilion. They went through dozens of brainstorms and got a general plan.
  While applying for the right to host the world expo in Shanghai, China pledged 100 million US dollars to help developing countries to participate in the world expo. Never did previous world expo have so many developing countries in the history of world expo.
  The World Expo Shanghai 2010 gave China an opportunity to promote cultural exchanges and cultural diversity. After the expo, cultural dialogues will continue. National days of the pavilions saw national leaders visit the expo. Events take place on various venues across the expo garden. Moreover, cultural dialogues take place beyond the garden. The expo organizers set up events to enable foreign guests to visit more than 100 residential communities that fringe the expo garden. □
The 25-year-old Sun Guangtian thought his film career was over when he quit as a scriptwriter in 2006. The prospect had been by no means promising. A direction major from Beijing Film Academy, he work
一提及风水古村落,我们脑中自然而然就跳出了神奇、隐秘、玄妙、迷阵等词汇,位于浙江省松阳县城西北方向 10公里处的山下阳村就是这样一个机关重重又充满人文气息的古村落。走进山下阳村,老宅鳞次栉比,巷弄曲曲折折,一切都不显眼、不张扬、不气派、不奢华,村落与自然山水密切地契合着,是一幅被现代文明遗落的历史画卷。  山下阳村呈长方形布局,然而整座村庄隐藏着无限玄机。层出不穷的巷道将村庄分割成若干个“口”字建
在中国思想发展史上,王阳明的“心学”无疑是一颗璀璨的明珠。  心即理;良知与致良知;知行合一。这三个方面理论的相互联系,构成了王阳明心学的有机整体。  那就是精通儒释道、文韬武略的全能大儒王阳明的巨大睿智。  1529年1月9日早晨,江西南安青龙铺的章江河上,一只原本行驶的船只突然停了下来。周遭一片寂静。船上,一个肺痨患者的生命走到了尽头。此后,那个人就只活在历史中,活在无数人的怀念与景仰中。  
文采庄严百世师,  白头犹是一婴儿。  平生历尽风波恶,  独抱天真妩媚姿。  这首诗,是许寿裳先生的知友谢似颜为悼念先生写的四首挽诗之一。我认为很贴切,很亲和,活脱脱画出一位谦和慈祥、率直纯真的长者之风。世上不乏专业上有成就的人,但历经沧桑,始终保持赤子之心者,却令人备感亲切,由衷崇敬。许寿裳就是这样一位贤达之人。  寿裳先生是绍兴人。他为我国现代文化的发展作出了贡献。寿裳先生是我妻子的叔祖,我
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宽敞明亮的陈列室里,一排排古色古香的红木仿古书橱展柜里,一函函,一摞摞,一卷卷,一叠叠,各类大小开本不一,装帧厚薄不同的线装古籍有序展陈着,翰墨书香,满堂生辉!  这便是坐落在杭州钱塘江畔的萧山义桥,在全国古籍印刷业界名闻遐迩的萧山古籍印务有限公司的产品展示陈列馆。  步出陈列馆所在的公司大楼,除了近在咫尺的印刷车间厂房,周围是一片绿意盎然的江南农村景象,一条弯曲的公路从大楼一侧蜿蜒而过,向着杭州
9月16日上午,杭州师范大学下沙校区叙伦厅里张灯结彩、嘉宾云集。省委常委、杭州市委书记黄坤明致信祝贺,杭州市委副书记叶明和台湾知名人士曾文昌教授共同为楼柏安新艺术中心成立揭牌。  一幅国民党荣誉主席吴伯雄题写的牌匾格外引人注目。匾上用工整的楷体写着“楼柏安新艺术中心”。稍后,与会嘉宾又听到了吴伯雄亲笔贺信的宣读声:“祝贺杭州师范大学楼柏安新艺术中心成立”。“这不仅是杭州师范大学的艺术中心,更是积极
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