The Importance of the Tourism Texts Translation

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  中图分类号:H315.9 文献标识:A 文章编号:1006-7833(2012)02-000-02
   ABSTRACT With the development of reforming and opening up, more and more foreign visitors come to China each year. As an important way of promotion, Translation of tourism texts is playing an important role. Although in recent years the quality of translation of tourism texts has been improved, problems remain. An appropriate translation that meets the expectations and purposes of target readers and would be a boost to the development of tourism.
   Key Words Tourism Texts Translation
  Tourism texts translation is not only a conversion of two languages, but also a cultural transfer. There are some major problems in English translated versions which include: important information expected by target readers is not provided when necessary; unimportant information for readers is not omitted; problems caused by the difference in grammatical structures. The problems are caused because the translator doesn’t take the expectations and tastes into consideration.
   Here are extracts of bilingual tourism texts in China by which we could illustrate some translation errors:
   (1) 滚石瀑,长近1千米,最宽处40余米,由成千上万大的岩石组成,势若瀑流,故名。从地质学角度看,莫干山形成于距今一亿三千万年至七千万年前的中生代晚侏罗纪的燕山运动和以后的喜马拉雅运动,在这一地质时期中伴有强烈的火山喷发及岩浆侵入和升降,形成了以火山岩为主体的火山隆起构造,滚石瀑景观正是由山顶隆起的巨大岩石,因岩性结构以及组合方式的变化,在火山、地震、重力或冰川时期强烈的融冰化雪等自然条件作用下发生崩塌而形成的,地质学上称为重力地貌或崩塌地貌。
  Rolling stone waterfall, near km long, 40meters at its widest point, the rock formed by the tens of thousands of different sizes, the potential if the waterfall flows, hence the name. From the geological point of view, Mogan formed in three thousand years ago, one hundred million to seven million years ago late Jurassic Mesozoic Yanshan movement and later the Himalayan Movement in this geological period mixed with strong volcanic eruption and magma intrusion and unbalanced movements, and formed a volcano volcanic uplift ad the main structure. and uplifted from the top of the huge rock, rock structure and composition due to changes in the way, in the volcanoes, earthquakes, gravity or glacial periods of intense snow melting ice under the action of natural conditions such as collapse of the formation, geology, geomorphology, or known as gravitational collapse landscape. (from Mogan senic spot)
  From this extract we notice that it’s a typical Chinglish expression. Almost all the words are translated literally and the order of the sentence and syntactic structure are not conveyed. Since the grammatical structures between the languages are different, the target readers will find it hard to understand.
  Da Keng scenic spot is located in the northwest of the national scenic Mogan Mountain, with in which lies the main peak Tower Mountain. Da Keng is named after the northern commonly valley. Inside Da Keng scenic spot are handsome, strange stones. Where you can look ahead, climb rocks and enjoy the sunset, admire the moon. It is famous for being grand, odd, and dangerous. Compared with the southeast slope of the mountain, the landscape here differs vastly. There are scenic wonders of the ancient geological----Rock Falls, Heavenly Gate, Rocks Kok, Shek Ping cliffs, beautiful bridges of small stone forest and clouds. Da Keng scenic spot is the most biodiversity-rich areas, distribution of eagles, thrushes, and civet, and other rare animals, and it is where Mogan Sunbeam leafhopper specimens and other 20kinds of insects lie. (form Da Keng scenic spot)
   In English, the feature of syntactic structure is that the causes are usually united into a complex sentence in which one clause stands in the dominant position and the others in the subordinate position. This extract does not conform to this rule, which makes the translation not natural enough.
  From all above, we could see that an appropriate and natural Tourism Texts Translation is crucial both to the scenic spot and to the potential customers.
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