The Analysis of Game in Primary English Teaching

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  Children are naturally curious and active.They are full of enthusiasm and often show a lot of eagerness to participate.If children are happy,feel secure and stay in a threat-free environment ,they will be more likely to enjoy learning.Children will not concentrate on it,if you lecture them!
  If you want students interested in English, the most common and the most effective way is to join the game in English teaching, so it increases their interest in learning, also they gives students a lively and happy, relaxed and harmonious atmosphere of the language.
  1. The importance of game in English teaching
  1.1 The standard and aims of English courses
  The “Primary school English teaching basic requirements” of China "(for Trial Implementation)" in the clear provisions that According to pupil physiological and psychological characteristics and development requirements, English courses for primary school's first goal is to stimulate students' interest.
  The curriculum objective Primary school English :Stimulating students’ interest in learning English, developing a positive attitude to learning, establishing the confidence in learning English, cultivating a sense of language and a good pronunciation and intonation, forming ability of simple daily communication in English, in order to lay the foundation for learning.
  1.2 The effect of game in English teaching
  There are many effect of using games in the classroom.The first and foremost reason is that games are fun and fun elements can create a desire for children to communicate. Games can also create unpredictability.
  What’s more,games can create helpful frameworks for further learning.
  Like the game is a child's nature, children learn from the beginning of it. English in a primary school is a difficult subject.English as a language is more abstract and boring without corresponding language environment.Coupled with the students will inevitably produce strangeness. To make primary school English become the image of specific, interesting.To enable students to enjoy learning must shun its nature, so the game was introduced to the classroom.
  2.The classification of game in English teaching
  2.1 The content division
  (1)The letter of alphabet game
  The letter is the foundation of English learning.English also need to remember the letters, to deeper levels of learning.While the common alphabet game is “Listen and point ”.To make it easier for students to point,better arrange the letter in the form of a cross.   (2) Vocabulary games
  Vocabulary is an important part of English teaching, but the memory of the words are sometimes dull as ditch water, therefore should fully mobilize students each kind of feeling, let the students look at, listen to, say, touch, in the process of moving easily memorize words.
  (3) Speech game
  Speech is the communication between people,which is the basis of sound language, listen, say, read, write the "four". The stage is more boring speech teaching, teaching or consolidation and voice can't make students feel interest in the game.Common game: “pick apples”.
  (4)Sentence game
  Sentence pattern teaching is the focus of English teaching, which is also difficult. Mainly the structure of the language teaching of sentence patterns. But the purpose of primary school English teaching is not necessarily to let the students master the rules of grammar. Through the game, can arouse students' imagination, inspire them to express their ideas with the learned vocabulary and sentence patterns.
  (5) Dialogue games
  Dialogue is the core of primary school English teaching, it reflects the language communicative ability. Role playing game is the most popular in dialogue teaching students and is most often used in the game.
  (6)Digital game
  In the digital teaching, students heard that the reaction is the emphasis of teaching, if blindly ordered the students read back, students will be tired, can not achieve the purpose of teaching, it will reduce the interest of students. Development of body language in the game to achieve easy memory effect.
  2.2 The development of ability division
  (1)The memory test
  Memory is the foundation of any learning. In the letter, vocabulary, pronunciation teaching, do "What 's Missing" game. This is training students' memory game.
  (2)Specific reaction
  Primary school English teaching to the students in all aspects of quick response, high density, fast rhythm of training, so that students learning emotion is always in a state of excitement, in a large number of fast operation everyday English conversation.
  (3)Game speed
  Match game is a mainly completed by the speed of cooperation group, group as a unit than speed. The content of the game is generally speaking the game (such as a passing game), the game (such as according to what you hear words etc.)
  (4) Quick observation
  For students to observe the material including images and text two games. Such as image requires students to identify carefully, and Related words to talk about and report the results. Text observed often refers to a group of text material, according to the requirements of quick find relevant content, such as in the following a string of letters in the word from left to right direction.   3.The problems to the use of the game teaching
  As the coin has two sides, there are both benefits and problems in using games in language teaching. We are all know this point.The main problem perhaps is the discipline problem or the lack of space and resources.
  Firstly,Students have a strong curiosity, their ability of imitation, primary school English teaching is mainly by listening to, say, read, think, do, painting, play to stimulate the students' enthusiasm and interest in learning English, improve the teaching effect.
  Secondly,If the teacher respect the student's interest, hobby, together with the design scheme and their game, is conducive to the smooth development of the game, can fully reflect the students' subject status, in this way, students will be more actively involved in the game, the enthusiasm will be higher, the effect will be better.
  If the teacher in the classroom is always repeated use of the same or similar games, the interest of the students will gradually reduce, or even bored. Game design to the renovation, the commonly used English game has 50 a variety of, teachers have to use our brains, in preserving the classic game of reprocessing and bring forth the new through the old.
  Thirdly,To various forms of the game.As the saying goes: "no longer play tricks." Another interesting game, students have played several times without interest.
  Fourthly, the difficulty of the game to stratification .Primary school English teaching game to all the students, teachers should design the game according to the actual situation of student's personal quality, personality characteristics, memory, reaction speed, coordination of students in the game in the division of labor.
  All in all, the interest is the mother of music, and the game is one of the sources of interest. In advocating the "new curriculum to students as the main body" in the implementation of teaching the game, only with the age characteristics of primary school students, so that students can learn to play, play school, we make our English classroom full of song and laughter, success.
  4.The basic principles of the game teaching
  4.1 closely related rules with teaching
  The development of game purpose should be.The game is serves for the teaching, must be closely related with teaching. The design of the game, to fully consider the requirements of teaching and other teaching.
  4.2cultivate the development of students' ability   Inspired by the game should have certain.Carrying on the game is to the study and consolidate knowledge, and active classroom atmosphere,but also should pay attention to cultivate students' ability of development and intelligence in the game.
  4.3 Diversity of the rules
  The game should be diversified in form.As the saying goes: "no longer play tricks". Then the fun of the game, played a few times without fresh sense. So the teacher need to keep designing new games, ongoing refurbishment game.
  The development of game should have a certain degree of flexibility.Flexibility means in teaching should pay attention to timely, appropriate games, in the game to pay attention to the classroom atmosphere and teaching adjustment and grasp the relationship between the processing, flexible teaching content and game.
  4.4 certain selectivity rules
  Game evaluation should have certain selectivity.The game teaching is not only to law and game design, but also the appropriate selection methods of evaluation, incentive. Evaluation can try to let the students participate in, let them to increase the learning motivation in the self evaluation, but also should pay attention to timely, objective, fair, easy to record, visible.
  5.The basic steps of the game teaching
  5.1Teacher led, full participation
  The game teaching first by the teacher prior to the teaching content for the material design, and then guide the students and orderly development. The game teaching embodies "the teacher as the leadership, teaching the students as the main body". The game teaching has clear goal, the game teaching to make the students become the main game, to make the children in the game teaching activities into their intrinsic motivation, which requires teachers to be content with a regular teaching objective and content and games are combined skillfully. Teachers should make students become the main body of the game. 5.2Prepare, clarifying the rules
  Before the class preparation, stimulate the students' enthusiasm. The game can active classroom atmosphere, greatly arouse students' interest and enthusiasm, but also should pay attention to cultivating students' ability of development and intelligence in the game; classroom use flexibly, promote new knowledge to master.
  5.3The use of rules, timely regulation.
  As a saying go “Nothing can be accomplished without norms and standards”.In the game to pay attention to the classroom atmosphere and teaching adjustment and grasp the relationship between the processing, flexible teaching content and game.   5.4Summary, timely evaluation
  After the game, the teacher should combine the game summary, evaluation can try to let students participate in, let them to increase the learning motivation in the self evaluation, but also should pay attention to timely, objective, fair, easy to record, visible.
  6. The proper use of game teaching method
  6.1 Facing all, hierarchical teaching
  In game teaching, we can't avoid the problem that how to treat and in poor health. We should pay attention to the design of the game for all students, moderate difficulty, and let everyone in the. What’s more,we should teach students in accordance with their aptitude, hierarchical requirements, to the most effective incentive mechanism and promote students' progress.
  6.2 The requirement of the organization
  We should do everything in good order and well arranged, live without chaos. Primary students both like game and aim to prevail over others. some students play the game will be over excited, even in the classroom, they will be overcome by one's feelings to shout.
  6.3The appropriation of organizing a game
  In the course of primary school English teaching, many teachers often using game in order to cultivate the students' interest in learning. For a long time, it is not difficult to find: many students original initial learning high temperature dropped sharply, the original interest is gradually ceased to exist.
  7. Conclusion
  As you may have all noticed,children are not very good at direct learning.That is to say when you ask them to sit down and learn something,they will feel that you are taking away their playing time and they can not concentrate for very long.However, children have a strong capacity for indirect learning when they are enjoy themselves and are focusing on meaning without noticing that they are learning the language.Games will have a role to play here.
  In short, the English game is a practical, effective teaching methods, it is consistent with the pupils learning the language of the law, so that they can lighthearted learn the language.And our English teaching is more vividly because of the participation of the English game .
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