An Analysis of the Image of Spiritual Seeker in The Razor’s Edge from the Perspective of Existential

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  【Abstract】The Razor’s Edge (1944) is one of the best novels of William Somerset Maugham. This paper analyzes the image of spiritual seeker — Larry in The Razor’s Edge on the basis of concepts of Sartre’s existentialism such as absurdity, freedom and responsibility. Larry’s quest for the value of self-existence and the meaning of life reflect people’s postwar mental state. Firstly, it discusses the causes of Larry’s suspicion of self-existence and the disillusionment of belief. Secondly, it analyzes the process of Larry’s exploration of life’s meaning and self-perfection. Finally, through the analysis of Larry’s achievement of self-exploration, attainment of mental freedom and devotion to the society, it concludes that people should embrace the authentic world with great courage and be a contributor to the community.
  【Key words】The Razor’s Edge; existentialism; spiritual seeker; Larry
  I. Introduction
  William Somerset Maugham, a writer that is active in the British literary world from the mid 19th century to the mid 20th century. His life has experienced the late Victorian, Edwardian and two world wars. The Razor’s Edge was published in 1944 and was popular to readers until now. The immortal enchantment of The Razor’s Edge does not only encourage many people to pursue a happy life but also emphasizes the value of people’s existence.
  II. The Disillusionment of Belief
  After the WWII, with the collapse of traditional views, people lost their belief and begin to doubt the existence of God. By facing the vagaries of real life and emotions, people lost the sense of security and think the real society is absurd. If the absurd society is the external cause that motivates Larry to set foot on the road of seeking the life’s meaning, then the suspicion of self existence is the internal cause that leads Larry to be free from bondage and resolutely decides to find the answer.
  Larry is wholly reliant on this friend. It is such a profound emotions and the sense of dependency that makes Larry could not accept the death of Patsy. Moreover, Patsy sacrifices his life in order to save Larry in the battle. Larry feels extremely sad and remorse. The most incomprehensible thing for Larry is that how could such a person, who is full of vigor and vitality at ordinary times, suddenly dies, especially in those days, everyone believes in God, everyone thinks: “God promises rewards to those who believe in Him and threatens with horrible punishment those who do not” (Maugham, 1976: 176). But why not God rescue Patsy? To find the answer, Larry goes to library to read books and refuses do anything else. That makes Isabel totally dissatisfied. But even so, Larry still could not find the answer.   III. The Exploration of Self-existence
  When Larry questions his life and himself, he chooses to make changes and goes out to look for answers. Similarly, Sartre’s existentialism respects the person’s personality and freedom. It advocates that people can get their freedom through self-exploration and self-transcendence in order to live a wonderful life.
  Larry would rather spend a lot of time in the library than do other unavailing works. Through the reading, he absorbs nutrition, calms the confusion mind and restless soul. He also feels the infinite future which brings him great courage to explore the wild world whatever in reading or by traveling. Besides, when Larry arrives at India and comes into contact with Yoga, he eventually finishes his self-transcendence. In India, he follows the Yogis to learn reading, walking, meditation and rest. The Yoga makes him have an inner peace and help him find the true meaning of life and existence in the mysterious Orient.
  IV. Conclusion
  “People can attain to self-perfection and self-transcendence by using self-imagination talent. This will enable yourself to get rid of the reality problems and achieve the purpose of freedom” (Jiang Chengyong, 2005:434). Larry questions, explores and transcends to achieve the state of freedom. It may infer that what Maugham really emphasizes is that people should make choice and take actions freely to pursue what they want and realize the meaning of their existence when facing the inevitable sufferings of life.
  [1]Gao Guotao.Maugham Studies in China in the Late 30 Years[J].Journal of BaoDing University,2010,(23):93-96.
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