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  Abstract : Vincent van Gogh was a Dutch painter, and among the most preeminent artists in human race of the 19th century. From his works, we see artwork that is completed by an artist with his life. I will focus on his representative artwork "Sunflower", as a humble analysis of Van Gogh's art.
  Keywords : Vincent van Gogh's art, sunflower painting
  1. Introduction:
  Vincent van Gogh was a Dutch artist, and among the most preeminent artists in human race of the 19th century. He had fiery passion for life, but he also encountered many setbacks in life, and tasted the hardship of life. He was devout to art, and boldly innovated. On the basis of broadly learning from the predecessor artists like Rembrandt, and absorbing the color experience from impressionist artists, and receiving influence from eastern art, in particular the Japanese block print, he finally formed his unique art style, and produced a lot of artworks that are full of passion for life and rich in humanity spirit, and enjoy admiration by the world up to today.
  Van Gogh was the leader of post-impressionist colors. He had a short life, and his life path in quest of art was hard and rough. His representative artwork "sunflower" is not only his representative artwork, but also the spiritual symbol of van Gogh, and the embodiment of van Gogh, and the concentration of all his art, and the bearer of his spirit and character.
  2. the "Sunflower"
  The most renowned artwork of van Gogh is undoubtedly the "Sunflower" He used to depict still life with sunflower theme. He would love to use sunflower to decorate his room in Arles. He once said, "I would like to paint half dozen of "sunflower" pictures to decorate my studio, so the pure chrome yellow against different background, on the base of various degrees of blue, glistening from the lightest Veronese blue to the most premium blue; I would like to match these pictures with the most delicate frames painted in orange yellow, like the colored glass in Gothic cathedrals." Van Gogh really managed to let the August sunshine color of Arles glow on the canvas. The flamboyant sunshine originates from the pious spiritual sentiment in the heart.
  When van Gogh painted, he was filled with fanatical impulse, following the strong drive of improvisation. The long admired "Sunflower" was painted in south France where the sunshine is bright and splendid. The sunflower painted by van Gogh is like glittering flame, gorgeous, magnificent, yet at the same time harmonic, elegant, and meticulous, and his brush touch is full of motion and thick and powerful, seemingly resulting from an ever revolving brush. The color contrast is also simple and strong. However, the thick touch and simplicity is also full of wisdom and intelligence. When viewing the picture, the audience is inevitably induced by the exciting picture effect, and the heart thrills and the passion sprouts. The view inevitably attempts to melt into the prolific subjective sentiment of van Gogh. All in all, the sunflower painted by van Gogh is not simply an herb, but also a living being with primitive impulse and passion.
  3. Conclusion:
  As the incarnation of van Gogh, the "Sun-
  flower" is only a combination of gorgeous yellow color family. Van Gogh thought yellow represents the color of the Sun, and also symbolizes love, so conveys special meaning. He expressed his self with various poses of the flowers in "Sunflower", and sometimes he drew a parallel between himself and a sunflower.
  For van Gogh, the sunflower is the best matter to represent his idea. Summer is short and the blossom period of sunflower is short. Van Gogh is like the sunflower in living a short life. It is appropriate to call him a sunflower painter.
  [1]Yearning for life--Vincent van Gogh Biography Ervin Stone Translator: Chang Tao Published April 1st 2008.
  [2]Vincent van Gogh, passion and splendor: Forrest (UK) Published July 1st 2008.
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