Gao Zhihang (May 14, 1907 - November 21, 1937), the Chinese air force ace pilots. Formerly known as Ming-long, the word constant, Tonghua County, Jilin Province. In 1920, he won a military examination and was admitted to Northeast Army officer education class. After studying in France for two years, he took an airplane pilot and returned to serve in the Air Force. On August 13, 1937, when the Songhu War broke out, Gao Zhaoxing, the captain of the fourth air group, shot down a Japanese plane in flight at Baqiao. This was the first time that the Chinese Air Force shot down Japanese planes in more than 10 minutes of air combat , The 4th Brigade altogether shot down 3 Japanese planes and wounded one, while the 4th Brigade only slightly injured one fighter plane and pioneered the Chinese Air Force