NEC MultiSynC EA274WMi是一款27英寸宽屏显示器,它有一项特殊的本领:可以感知何时旁边没有人,然后相应调暗屏幕亮度。但即便抛开这项节电功能不说,这款显示器也很出色,配备高质量IPS面板、LED背光和防眩屏幕。硬件规格这款2560×1 440像素显示器可通过DisDlayPort、HDMI、DVD-D或VGA端口连接到Mac或PC,并提供了一只连接外设的四端口USB集线器。你还可以将两个信号源连接到该屏幕,使用NEC的画旁画(Picture By Picture)功能,同时观看两个画面。除了内置扬声器外,该显示器还配备用来插入耳机的端口——这些功能特性很方便,
The NEC MultiSynC EA274WMi is a 27-inch widescreen monitor with a special ability to sense when no one is next to it and then dim the screen accordingly. But even aside this power-saving feature does not say that, this monitor is also very good, with high-quality IPS panel, LED backlight and anti-glare screen. Hardware Specifications This 2560 × 1 440 pixel monitor can be connected to a Mac or PC via a DisDlayPort, HDMI, DVD-D or VGA port and provides a four-port USB hub for connecting peripherals. You can also connect two sources to the screen, using NEC’s Picture By Picture feature, and watch both screens simultaneously. In addition to the built-in speakers, the monitor is equipped with a port for inserting headphones - these features are convenient,