The National Institute of Water Resources and the Chinese Association of Hydroelectric Power are the leaders of the National Academy of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, the Ministry of Power Zhongnan Survey and Design Institute, the Hunan Hydropower Design Institute and the Xiangtan University and other nearly 30 organizations participating in the National Institute of Rock and Concrete Fracture Mechanics and Strength. The seminar was held in Hunan Province in November 1981. In recent years, fracture mechanics, rheological fracture theory and corresponding strength theory have made great progress in the design, construction and scientific research of brittle materials engineering such as rock and concrete in China. At this meeting, exchanged a number of rock and concrete fracture criteria and fracture toughness tests, fracture mechanics of cracks in concrete dam heads, fracture mechanics research and fracture rheological tests of rock, strength and deformation of concrete under triaxial stress. with